Michelle Mayur, in partnership with the Divine, co-creates transformational energetic shifts in women who are ready to make a bigger difference in the world. Through both her writing and her healing work, she assists women to dissolve limiting beliefs and energetic blockages so they can step fully into their Power, Passion and Purpose. Michelle assists women to anchor in the energy of the Divine Feminine in their life and work, embracing Compassion, Collaboration and Love, so that these heart-centered wayshowers can collectively birth the global vibrational shift towards more Peace, Harmony and Happiness.
She is a visionary leader, international speaker and the conscious entrepreneur creator of the Heal the Healer community, www.heal-the-healer.com.
In 2012 she received the extremely powerful Goddess Isis Healing of Love™ energy healing system for personal and planetary healing as a powerful energetic download from the higher realms and now teaches this system widely.
After a transformational near-death experience in 1994 on the tiny equatorial island of Nauru, Michelle made a commitment to devote her life to helping others through her healing work.
Some of her professional highlights to date have included designing and facilitating several Spiritual Egypt Tours, which included group planetary healing work in such sacred locations as the Kings Chamber of the Great Pyramid, between the Paws of the Sphinx and in the Isis Sanctuary at Philae Temple. She has also run healing retreats in Bali.
Since 1995, Michelle has been running her successful healing practice, Angel Wings Healing, www.angelwings-healing.com, seeing clients around the world, using her unique Goddess Isis Healing of Love™ energy healing system, angel-guided spiritual healing, mentoring and clinical hypnotherapy. Her private global clientele includes royalty, company CEOs, Buddhist priests and Catholic nuns, to name a few.
A life-long learner, Michelle has a Science degree, as well as holding diplomas in clinical hypnotherapy, holistic healing, psychotherapy and qualifications in counseling, flower essences, disability, Sekhem and Seichim, as well as being a Reiki master.
Based in Melbourne, Australia, Michelle’s loves – apart from her writing and healing work – are her two children, animal activism, spending time in nature, travel anywhere and everywhere, gardening and her pets. Every day she makes her meditation, spiritual practice and connection to nature a priority.
“I have worked with many healers over the years with minimal results and sessions with Michelle Mayur have repeatedly helped me to release deep emotional blocks to raise my vibrations, open my heart, and enhance my own healing gifts. She is one of the most loving, intuitive, gifted and powerful channels for healing I have ever experienced. For anyone who is struggling with mental, emotional, health, spiritual issues or who wants to heighten their own healing abilities, Michelle is an invaluable resource to help you live your best life. She is the real deal!” ~ Rev. Lorraine Cohen, soul guide, life strategist, healer and speaker.

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