Here’s what Cari Murphy says about Embraced by the Divine – The Emerging Woman’s Gateway to Power, Passion and Purpose:
Michelle Interviews Co-Author Lorraine Cohen
Rev. Lorraine Cohen (United States) is internationally recognized for one heart coaching, inner grace healing and higher light channeling. A fierce advocate for her clients’ transformation, she uses her spiritual, intuitive, and healing gifts to support women to dive deeply into self–love, transmute emotional wounds and strengthen their personal connection to God to create a bold, abundant, and meaningful life. She is an international best-selling co-author, Unwavering Strength, Vol. 2 and writes for BellaMia Magazine.
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By Brenda Pearce,
When your world starts to crumble, do you bring out the crazy glue, to piece it back together?
This may work a time or two. It is exhaustive and it may last a day, a month or a year, and if we are lucky, forever. What else do you bring to the mix? Is this a process that only you can fix, or do you bring others in to help? I have found that if the situation is fixable, it is because it is truly in alignment with YOU. If the situation repeats, then you really do need to look at the alignment with your true happiness, mission and passion.
I had a very difficult time with coming to grips with this concept myself.
When I married, it was with the intention of FOREVER. I took those vows so seriously that I would have rather died, than face the truth that what I was doing was not working. What started out with love, and commitment, hope and promise changed after the happenings of life along the way. I was the gal with the crazy glue bottle, fixing patching, cobbling because I thought it was what I needed to do. I was going crazy. Exhausted, and stretched to the frazzled remnants of ME.
When separation and the eventual divorce ensued, I was left with only ME. This was the opening, the gift I really needed to really honour, love and know that what could have been the door crashing in my face and an opportunity to blame or shame others, was really a chance to rebirth ME.
I took stock of what I had, and to take a step back from situation and really examine the lessons along the way, and be a student of life. Never did I think that this door would open at the age of 50, yet it did. More and more, people are finding that divorce is happening later in life, when things should be easier, financially, and relationship wise as the hard stuff should be over. Divorce is happening more so now in these later years as with the time to be more in relationship, away from the chaos of raising the family, we are faced with a stranger we thought we knew.
I am not advocating divorce as an answer to the crazy glue method of cobbling life together, but before you insanely try to patch what is broken, stop and really check in with you. Stop to honour you, for the Divine gift that you are. Look at your strengths, your goals and dreams and give them wings to be nurtured, embraced and developed, in or out of the relationship. The pieces will take care of themselves, they will either reassemble of their own accord, or be swept along the current of the journey of life, but you do not have to be the one to do all of the fixing.
A few things you can do, to nurture and love yourself, and open yourself to opportunity and personal repair…
– Take time to spend time in nature, or solitude – going for daily walks is a start
– Read good books, that are written by others on the life journey. Co-authored books by real women like the “Embraced By The Divine” book coming soon.
– Finding a group of women to join as either a membership site, or online community is a tremendous help. These women have been there and done that, and are really ready to share their wisdom from the heart
– Being less judgmental of yourself, the situation, or the other person.
– Taking in breathing or a mindfulness practice and stop relying on the past, or thinking about the future, and really focusing in on the moment… Am I okay, am I feeling good, and stretching each moment of realizing, I am okay, and I am really feeling good, and this will continue to stretch into the next moment and the next.
– Look at your skills. What do I do that really brings me happiness, and expand on that. Who knows, it may lead to a new passion that brings you happiness, and could become a new career or a lease on life.
Just know that it starts within you. You are all you need and when you realize the beauty of who you are, the world changes to celebrate and reflect on that. Put the crazy glue away, and step into a more harmonious you.
Brenda Pearce is a contributing author to The Embraced By the Divine book, by Michelle Mayur. She is an emerging author, speaker, healer, and broadcaster of 2 weekly shows, E Factor Radio on, and The Empower Hour on the Connect Me Radio Network . A divorce after a 26 year marriage changed her life and opened doors she never knew were possible.
By Lorraine Cohen,
I was asked the question on a coaching call many years ago. I was struggling with stepping up and out in a bigger way.
My fears and “not good enough” messages were swirling in my head. I knew I was sharing my gifts and talents in comfortable ways and the idea of being more visible felt daunting.
We were speaking about my doing interviews, leading online teleseminars and in –person workshops, creating products and programs….yikes.
What did I have to offer that anyone really wanted and would pay for?
And what if I failed?
I came up with excuses and reasons to resist expanding my work into new areas and yet, there was a part of me that felt excited at the opportunities.
So when she asked, “Lorraine, are you willing?” I knew she was also asking if I was open to new possibilities and opportunities to fulfill my deepest desires and dreams. The first step in saying YES to something new is to be willing AND open to experience life in a bigger way.
I explored:
Am I willing to fail?
Am I willing to succeed?
Am I willing to learn something new that might become something fabulous?
Am I willing to be uncomfortable in uncertainty?
Am I willing to let go of the need to know and take a leap of faith?
Am I willing to let my heart and soul guide me for the pure joy of the experience?
Am I willing to let go of what I think I have to do to allow what is ready to unfold?
Am I willing to have fun with creating what I want?
Am I willing to be open to possibilities?
So I said Yes!
I was willing then and still ask myself that question whenever I am stretching out of my comfort zone.
When I began working on surrender I realized that I didn’t know how to really let go without feeling resistance or trying to control, manage, or direct what I was feeling, thinking, and experiencing. I could talk about surrender conceptually but embodying the essence of letting go completely and embracing life in each moment felt elusive.
So, I started with a willingness to learn how and put out my prayer request to be shown how to let go with as much Grace and ease that I would allow. I am still learning how to let God and let go every day!
You don’t have to have everything figured out!
Just start with a willingness!
Is there something you have been struggling with? Perhaps it is something you have been resisting? Perhaps there is something you have been TRYING to change or create without a lot of success? Maybe you have convinced yourself that something you deeply want is out of your reach because you feel inadequate or not enough?
Asking yourself the question, “Am I willing?” is an invitation to freely play and explore the field of possibilities without the burden of shoulds and have tos or feeling pressured to make something happen by your own efforts.
Being willing and open, like you were as a child, invites magic and miracles; to flow with life and see each day as a grand adventure.
Here are five ways to deliberately play in the field of willingness:
1. Experiment. Be curious to play with and take some actions with an idea for the fun of it. Make “what if” a game that allows you stand in wonder and possibility! Meander with a sense of purpose by letting go of the need to see and understand where the path will lead. It begins with just one step that always leads to the next. You can use experiences to find out so much about yourself including what you really, really want.
2. Redirect your energy and imagination. Turn anger, fear, anxiety, and feelings of unworthiness into your passion for what you want to be, have or do. Becoming aware in the midst of an emotional and physical reaction can empower you to embrace the charge and then shift the energy towards what you most want to create. Flip the switch!
3. Question the messages you are telling yourself. You might be using past experiences as an excuse and reason to hold yourself back. What if what you are thinking, believing and telling yourself is a big fat lie? “What happened then is sure to repeat”. Take the gifts and learning from prior experiences to plant seeds for a blessed present and limitless tomorrow. Remember that when you align with the Divine, anything is possible!”
4. Stay consistent with your spiritual and self-care practices. These are critical pieces to staying centered and connected to the wellspring of wisdom within you. Your Higher Nature knows the quickest route to live your greatest life and guide you “home.” Take time to pause, integrate, and rest when you need to just BE!
5. Surround yourself with a strong, healthy, and like-hearted community of support including trusted friends, colleagues, and professionals. We all need help sometimes for accountability, an emotional boost, a kick in the pants, a mirror reflection, and for deeper healing processes we cannot do ourselves without getting in the way!
The next time you find yourself using excuses, struggling, empowering your fears, questioning your brilliance and competence, giving up, feeling frustrated, overwhelmed or stuck… Stop and breathe.
Think and feel into something you really, really want.
Take another breath.
Rest into the body and notice the sensations you are feeling.
Take another breath.
Ask yourself, “Am I willing for this (whatever you want) to manifest in my life?
Breathe deeply and stand in your willingness and openness to be taught, shown and guided to have what you really, really want. Make that verbal declaration to yourself and to the Universe. “Yes, I am willing and open to….” Be specific in what you are inviting into your life as a prayer.
Let go of the need to know how, what, or when your prayer will be answered. What you don’t know how to do, the Divine does and relishes the opportunity to teach you. Trust that you will be shown and intuitively guided through experiences that will serve you in the highest way.
And be open to the magic of possibilities!!
Rev. Lorraine Cohen (United States) is an internationally recognized life architect, spiritual guide, inspirational speaker, and heart healer. For more than 25 years, Lorraine has assisted thousands of women who value the inner journey, have the courage and passion to go deeper and create massive changes in themselves to reach higher states of consciousness and be of the greatest service to the world; to live a life that is awake and authentic and to create a reality that is conscious, deliberate and meaningful.
Hypnosis for Accessing Divine Wisdom Podcast – Michelle Mayur interviews ROY HUNTER.
Would you like to ask God or your Higher Power a question and receive an immediate answer? Roy Hunter discusses his latest book, The Art of Spiritual Hypnosis, which includes over 80 case summaries from highly respected hypnotherapists from around the world, including Michelle. Most of these amazing stories provide food for the soul. Tune in as Roy talks about how and why this book came into existence.
* Listen to this interview and all the Embraced by the Divine Podcasts on iTunes at
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Find Out About:
- What is “Spiritual Hypnosis” and how it may be able to help you;
- Roy’s latest book The Art of Spiritual Hypnosis to which Michelle has contributed a case study;
- Some fascinating case studies from the book;
- Why it took two decades for Roy to write this important book;
- Guided meditation to establish Sacred Space for healing (Roy’s hypnotic voice is sublime!)
- Q&A
Buy “The Art of Spiritual Hypnosis” on Amazon (paperback and Kindle)
and on Roy’s website at
Roy Hunter was certified as a hypnotherapist by Charles Tebbetts in 1983, and started a practice in the Seattle/Tacoma area. He started teaching his mentor’s 9-month professional hypnosis course in 1987 at Tacoma Community College in Washington (USA) and has taught classes and workshops over the years in 20 different countries. Although recognized for his work with parts therapy and hypnotic regression therapy, Roy teaches courses and gives presentations on other topics as well.
He is the published author of a number of books that come highly praised, including two hypnosis texts based on the work of Charles Tebbetts that are either recommended or required reading at many hypnosis schools around the world. His latest book on spiritual hypnosis was co-authored by over two dozen highly respected hypnotherapapists from around the world.
Michelle Interviews Rev. Dr. Kimberly Marooney
Working with angels is an amazing experience. They take us to places we could never imagine as they pour wisdom and grace into us. Archangel Gabriel activates your Soul Star in an experience of Divine Love and Grace. You’ll learn more about your Soul Calling and Life Purpose as you experience asking for what you need, then receiving it. You’ll receive the mantle of authority and empowerment to manifest your Soul Calling NOW! No more waiting. The universe is conspiring to support you with everything needed, when it is needed. Get a taste of this experience. “Receive Your Mission” Free Gift at
LISTEN TO THIS INTERVIEW and all the Embraced by the Divine Podcasts on iTunes at
We would love you to leave a REVIEW on iTunes too!
Find Out/Experience:
- What our Soul Star is and why we would want it activated
- Which angels are helping us to step into Divine Love and Divine Light from Source
- What our Angel Super Powers are and how we can apply them to life
- Angel Message and Guided Meditation for us to “Activate our Soul Star.”
Rev. Dr. Kimberly Marooney wrote the Foreword to Embraced by the Divine. She was blessed with the ability to experience direct personal contact with God angels, and spiritual beings. She was the first person in the world to earn a Master’s degree in Angelology and a Doctorate in Spiritual Psychology. Many of the best know angel experts have sought to learn from her, including Doreen Virtue. Kimberly skillfully combines her 40 years experience as a mystic with her education to guide people into profound, life-changing angel encounters. By following inner guidance, this gifted mystic has authored a dozen books including best-selling Angel blessings Cards and founded Most recently, Kimberly was appointed President of Gateway University.
The lead up to menopause is a time in a woman’s life where she can find herself really examining the purpose of her life. We spend so many years of our lives being who we think we ‘should’ be but as we get older, the cracks can begin to show. Eventually menopause leads us to a phase where the only solution is to go within and follow the truth of our hearts. For women, many of the things that were previously important fall away (or disappear) and personal growth becomes a huge driving force. We often find ourselves looking for our purpose and more meaning in our lives. This was the case for Andrea and it was a journey she was catapulted into without much warning or preparation!
- Symptoms of having lost yourself
- The process of transformation
- Knowing who you are and finding your truth
- The gifts of menopause
A Sample Taste of Andrea’s Inspiring Chapter, Listening to the Voice Within
“I could never have imagined how much of a struggle it would be to balance all the different areas of my life! How could a successful career girl find it so difficult? I found myself being pulled in all different directions … feeling guilty when I was at work and not being able to concentrate on my son fully when I wasn’t.
The house was a mess, I battled the baby blues and all the time I was wishing I could be at home, like many of my friends in more fortunate financial circumstances.
I knew that I needed to leave my job. My heart told me, my gut told me and yet I couldn’t! I didn’t know how. I didn’t believe I could! …
But I knew something had to change. I knew I was dying inside and I ignored it. Not because I didn’t want things to change but because I didn’t know how. My days at work were painfully dull. I was tired, irritable and sometimes it felt as if my whole world was being dragged slowly into a black hole and I was powerless to escape its pull. Deep down I knew that something had to drastically change.
And it did!
Slowly my health began to trouble me. I didn’t know what was happening but each month I began to experience increasingly more painful periods. They began to get so bad that I couldn’t get out of bed in the morning without taking strong painkillers first.
The pain often made me sick, sometimes I would pass out, and, for a few days each month, the crippling pain meant I couldn’t function without strong painkillers. I began to have to take time off work and although I knew something wasn’t right, I soldiered on regardless.
Until one day I read an article about endometriosis. The words hit me like a bolt of lightning and I knew this was what I was suffering from.
In February 2010 there followed a rapid surgical diagnosis that left me totally reeling. The second child that we had hoped for was never going to happen and I was told that I would need a total hysterectomy.
Shocked, I retreated into a period where I wallowed in self-pity.
There was something about being told I needed a hysterectomy that… ”
Buy Embraced by the Divine – The Emerging Woman’s Gateway to Power, Passion and Purpose at to read the full chapter and all the other inspiring and empowering chapters.
Andrea Beadle (United Kingdom) helps heart-centered entrepreneurs find their purpose and create the business that is the expression of their soul. She believes that your business will only grow as far as you grow as an individual and, using Higher Guidance Coaching, helps you to break through the beliefs that are holding you back so that you can have a healthy life and a healthy business. She is creating the Heart Business Academy for heart-centered entrepreneurs at
* Catch all the Embraced by the Divine Podcasts on iTunes, such as this one, at
We would love you to leave a REVIEW on iTunes too!
Brenda Lainof of Brenda’s Mindful Healing Show interviews Michelle about the intriguing inspiration behind the Embraced by the Divine book. Michelle also talks about the many ways angels are trying to get our attention and some of the best ways to develop a relationship with our angels to be able to use their guidance in all aspects of our life for more ease, Grace and flow.
In her regular radio show at Brenda Lainof interviews and explores options for the audience as to their self-healing. People who are looking for choices and options to compliment their existing healing path.