Stepping Out of the Shadows

Leanne-Williams-HTHSomething I learned early on as an only child was to hide away in the shadows. It kept me from getting caught in the crossfire between my parents arguing in their dysfunctional marriage. Invisibility was my friend. It kept me out of trouble and offered me protection from what felt like a very unsafe world.

Sometimes friends stay with us throughout our life, while at other times they serve their purpose with us and then we let them go. In my case, I held onto Invisibility as my constant companion for far too long, hiding in the shadows where I could go unnoticed, safe from judgment and criticism.

Each year at school my teachers were constantly amazed that although I was so quiet in class I actually got consistent straight A’s on exams. I realized I was way too sensitive, an easy target for bullying, as well as feeling different to everyone else and too scared to even speak up and express an opinion. Public speaking was definitely a far greater fear for me than death.

So how did I turn things around to the point where I now feel quite comfortable speaking in front of audiences around the world on many topics, including those that some might consider rather “woo-woo,” such as how to communicate with angels and connect to Divine Guidance?

From my teens I was passionate about a vocation helping people seen as the underdog. Perhaps it was because I really wanted someone to help me. I definitely wasn’t part of the in-crowd. Bit by bit I discovered I could do things that other people couldn’t, but which for me felt perfectly normal. My sensitivity was the forerunner to my intuitive and psychic gifts beginning to open. The spiritual books and guided meditations I was drawn to – not to mention the life-size apparition of my deceased mother appearing to me one night – helped to open me up rapidly. My passionate enthusiasm for learning and reading everything spiritual connected me to my soul’s yearning to teach, especially how to teach energy healing that channels healing energy from a higher source.

I was being given a “divine shove” to say goodbye to my Invisibility friend once and for all and to start teaching others the spiritual knowledge I was amassing. The very first time I was to give someone a Reiki initiation I was so filled with fear that my tummy gurgled loudly all the way through the 20 minute initiation!

Committed to my daily spiritual practice, including meditation and energy self-healing, things began to move quicker and quicker. More workshops were taught as well as facilitating overseas healing retreats and even Spiritual Egypt Tours. I reached deep inside to find the courage to push myself a bit further out of my comfort zone every day, no matter how uncomfortable it felt at the time. Baby steps, baby steps…

Whether you are following your life purpose or need a bit of a divine shove to align with it, one thing you learn is that the only thing that is constant is Change! None of us are immune. Eventually I got a strong nudge to take my healing business global, meaning I would need to be talking in front of large groups online to promote my work and for people to get to know me. Being completely authentic, open and exposed with the probability of being judged and possibly humiliated by strangers was incredibly scary. I felt the presence of angels holding me and whispering lovingly to me, “You can do this Michelle. You can do this.”

Was it easy to take my business global? No way! It meant dealing with constant levels of fear that would emerge each time I was shifting vibrationally to a higher level. Was it scary that I found myself with spiritual gifts that allowed me to scan a person’s energy field from the other side of the world and give that person detailed feedback on what I was being shown by the angelic realms and then facilitate incredible healing work with that person as I witnessed the angels working on her directly? You bet! I still have no idea how I manage to do this, but I can just effortlessly tune into the right “frequency” to tap into all this information.

My daily Inner Work through my spiritual practice has been the key to the success I now enjoy globally, as I continue to confront and love every part of myself to wholeness, even those suffering parts that other people term their “shadow.”

One of my favorite quotes is from A Course in Miracles, “If you knew who walks beside you on this path that you have chosen, fear would be impossible.” Every day I embody greater Faith and Trust about who walks with me. I feel myself truly embraced by the Divine. Even publishing my new book Embraced by the Divine – The Emerging Woman’s Gateway to Power, Passion and Purpose, I hear the angels whispering lovingly to me, “You can do this Michelle. You can do this.” There is no need to hide in the shadows anymore.


Michelle Mayur, in partnership with the Divine, co-creates transformational energetic shifts in people who are ready to make a bigger difference in the world. She specializes in assisting women to dissolve limiting beliefs and energetic blockages so they can step fully into their Power, Passion and Purpose. Both the angelic realms and the Divine Feminine energies of Love and compassion are strongly present in her work. Compiling author of “Embraced by the Divine – The Emerging Woman’s Gateway to Power, Passion and Purpose,” she is a visionary leader, international speaker and the conscious entrepreneur creator of the Heal the Healer community

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Mystical Moments with Lorraine Cohen

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