Michelle Mayur Interviews Rebecca Hall Gruyter, Host of the Popular Radio Show Empowering Women, Transforming Lives.
Rebecca Hall Gruyter, Owner of Your Purpose Driven Practice, www.YourPurposeDrivenPractice.com, creator of the Women’s Empowerment Series events/TV show, the Speaker Talent Search™, and Rebecca’s Money Summit. Rebecca, Network Director for VoiceAmerica’s Women Channel in both Radio and TV, is an in-demand speaker, expert money coach and a frequent guest expert on success panels, tele-summits, TV and radio shows. As the CEO of RHG Media Productions™, Rebecca launched the international TV channel called Empowered ConnectionsTV™ bringing transformational TV shows and programming to the world. A popular Radio Show Host and #1 best-selling author who is to helping YOU impact the world powerfully!
On this Embraced by the Divine Podcast Rebecca talks about:
Her childhood abuse and why her work around Empowering Women is so personally important to her
Why it is important for us to share our gifts with others
What being seen and serving have to do with one another
How we can take a step today to being seen in a bigger way
Rebecca’s Free Gift:
A chapter from “Becoming Outrageously Successful”
The Choice to Live Your Life On Purpose
What does making the choice to live your life on purpose and with purpose mean? How do you discover your purpose? How do you know if it’s the right purpose? Once you think you’ve found your purpose, how do you follow it? What if you feel like you don’t have a purpose?
Discover how to find the answers to these questions and how to regain the true power of your choices.
www.EmpoweredConnectionsTV.com is her TV channel with transformational programming to touch the world in a positive way.
Rebecca would love to have a conversation if she can support you in stepping forward in radio, TV, participation in an upcoming anthology, or bringing your personal message forward powerfully. Here is Rebecca’s link to schedule a time to talk directly with her: www.MeetWithRebecca.com
Michelle Mayur Interviews Anne Miner, MBA, President of the Dunvegan Group
In Anne Miner’s own words, “I have a passion for helping women to succeed in life! There are plenty of NGO type organizations helping women in under developed countries, women in poverty etc. Where I fit in is encouraging, inspiring and activating women to step into their own unique potential as leaders; we hold ourselves back with expectations of perfection, with self-doubt, with lack of skill building. And, this applies to women at all ages – not only those who are entering the workforce – those who have been working for many years too.”
On this Embraced by the Divine podcast Anne talks about:
Her background and what ignited the passion within her to help women succeed in life
Particular challenges for women as leaders in the workplace
The Acacia Institute and Anne’s work empowering women from aspiring to advanced leaders
La femme TOTALE, Anne’s Radio Show on PegasusNetWaves.com (Michelle has been a guest.)
The chance to win a Full Scholarship to the Acacia Institute, valued at $1,695 USD!
Anne Miner, MBA: International Speaker, Best-Selling Author, Executive Coach and long time Business Owner. Since 1987, Anne’s trusted expertise on business excellence has made her a highly-respected woman of influence. But it is her ability to use her deeply-rooted values, unwavering determination, and multitude of experiences that attracts many who seek her professional guidance. She has successfully empowered many “to go over, under, around or through the obstacles on any path… and to be courageous in pursuing dreams.”With more than 25 years leading her own company, The Dunvegan Group, Anne brings experience and perspective, as well as innovative approaches to leadership.www.acaciainstitute.com & www.anneminer.com
Michelle Interviews Co-Author Jesse Ann Nichols George
Come explore with us the fascinating realms of Code Interpretation as Jesse Ann Nichols George shares her work as a Code Interpretor.
Everything and everyone in our life has a vibration that is compatible or not compatible with us; and what is compatible for one person may not be for another. When we understand our codes and code interactions in the world we strengthen our connection with the Divine and step into a flow of blessings. We are given the opportunity to make wiser choices that create a more pleasurable life and can open doors that we would like to explore. Join us as we learn about what can happen as you work with your own personal codes.
Michelle will also be sharing just some of the coding that Jesse has done for her and for the book Embraced by the Divine. It is mind-boggling how much can be coded for to optimize the vibration and favorable flow of energy in both personal and professional life! Michelle credits Jesse’s Code Interpretation work with at least part of the #1 Bestseller Status Embraced by the Divine has already achieved in 4 categories and 3 countries.
Areas Covered:
What is Code Interpretation?
What types of things can be explored with Code Interpretation?
How does working with our codes create a Divine Connection for us?
What happens when someone works actively with their Codes?
What types of results Jesse has noticed through this work?
How long does it take for people to see results from working with their codes?
Jesse Ann Nichols George (United States), radio show host, is the author of four books founded on the principles of compassion, and how to use it to bring joy to all areas of life, and to open to living your passion and manifesting a life of joy and fulfillment. She created The Genesis Clearing Statement and The Compassion Tour. Jesse is a Code Interpretor with over 33 years of experience working with clients and assisting others with their life processes. She is a 13th generation spiritual healer and Druidic practitionerwww.jesseannnicholsgeorge1.com
In her Embraced by the Divine chapter, “The Gift of Feeling Intensely,” Julie talks about how she transcended a high anxiety condition … and how she later learned that this ability to feel energy intensely is actually a powerful spiritual gift !
When she wrote the chapter she did not realize how very important the timing of this information would be for so many people. Right now we are all being affected by recent world events. Many people are feeling anxious and fearful, and those who “feel energy” (often unknowingly) may be finding it even more challenging.
But it is possible to come back to center … to be happy and peaceful in spite of the energies surrounding us … and as we each do this we create positive change in not just our own lives, but those of our families, communities and the world.
“Staying Centered in Times of Change” Interview with Julie Ann
Here’s a sample taste of Julie Ann’s Chapter, The Gift of Feeling Intensely:
“…What I didn’t love was the questionnaire the workshop leader had us complete which showed that although my overall stress levels were a little above average I had an anxiety level above that of 99.9 percent of the population. 99.9 percent … Holy moly!
You can, I am sure, see the irony that receiving feedback like this in a stress management class setting is definitely not good for one’s anxiety level!
One of the ways the Divine communicates with us is with gentle nudges like this one, which if unacknowledged get stronger and stronger until we are finally forced to take notice. I know that if I had taken action at that point, and dealt with the anxiety issue with meditation or counseling, I would have saved myself a whole lot of drama. Instead, I brushed off this wake-up call and continued snoozing until finally the alarm bells were so loud they could not be ignored any longer.
The series of dramatic life events came one after the other. My beloved Grandma passed away. I took on an incredibly stressful and highly political consulting contract. We were living with relatives while our home was being renovated. Then the straw(s) that broke the camel’s back … two miscarriages within a few months of each other.
By the time I had the second miscarriage I was so disconnected from myself that I simply left the hospital after my scan and went straight back to the office (to that highly stressful contract I mentioned above).
In the weeks that followed, the anxiety became all-encompassing, to the point where I remember hardly being able to string two words together into a coherent sentence. I walked around with a knot of tension in my stomach at all times. My nervous energy was out of control. I was totally on edge. But I still didn’t realize how far from ok I had become. I was working long hours at a job I hated with no time to think about anything else. Unhappiness and stress can seem so “normal” when you are simply getting through each day, doing what you think you have to, but in fact it’s so very far from what our centered, “normal” state really is.
Finally the time came for me to see my obstetrician for a long-avoided checkup post miscarriage and everything caved in. As I sat in her waiting room, no one was more surprised than me when I …”
Buy Embraced by the Divine – The Emerging Woman’s Gateway to Power, Passion and Purpose at http://www.amazon.com/dp/B018FCGJDQ to read the full chapter and all the other inspiring and empowering chapters.
Julie Ann (Singapore) is an Intuitive Healer, Spiritual Coach, Workshop Facilitator, Creator of the “Seeing 11:11 – A Global Vision” daily intention project, and Author of the forthcoming book, If You Are Looking for a Sign, This Is It! Julie has facilitated workshops in Malaysia, Philippines, China and Australia as well as her home base of Singapore. She has created several online global intention projects and hosted events during various worldwide meditation gatherings.www.julieann.co