EBTD 004: Michelle Interviews Co-Author Andrea Beadle on Permission to be Yourself

Andrea-Beadle-NewThe lead up to menopause is a time in a woman’s life where she can find herself really examining the purpose of her life. We spend so many years of our lives being who we think we ‘should’ be but as we get older, the cracks can begin to show. Eventually menopause leads us to a phase where the only solution is to go within and follow the truth of our hearts. For women, many of the things that were previously important fall away (or disappear) and personal growth becomes a huge driving force. We often find ourselves looking for our purpose and more meaning in our lives. This was the case for Andrea and it was a journey she was catapulted into without much warning or preparation!

  • Symptoms of having lost yourself
  • The process of transformation
  • Knowing who you are and finding your truth
  • The gifts of menopause

A Sample Taste of Andrea’s Inspiring Chapter, Listening to the Voice Within

“I could never have imagined how much of a struggle it would be to balance all the different areas of my life! How could a successful career girl find it so difficult? I found myself being pulled in all different directions … feeling guilty when I was at work and not being able to concentrate on my son fully when I wasn’t.

The house was a mess, I battled the baby blues and all the time I was wishing I could be at home, like many of my friends in more fortunate financial circumstances.

I knew that I needed to leave my job. My heart told me, my gut told me and yet I couldn’t! I didn’t know how. I didn’t believe I could! …

But I knew something had to change. I knew I was dying inside and I ignored it. Not because I didn’t want things to change but because I didn’t know how. My days at work were painfully dull. I was tired, irritable and sometimes it felt as if my whole world was being dragged slowly into a black hole and I was powerless to escape its pull. Deep down I knew that something had to drastically change.

And it did!

Slowly my health began to trouble me. I didn’t know what was happening but each month I began to experience increasingly more painful periods. They began to get so bad that I couldn’t get out of bed in the morning without taking strong painkillers first.

The pain often made me sick, sometimes I would pass out, and, for a few days each month, the crippling pain meant I couldn’t function without strong painkillers. I began to have to take time off work and although I knew something wasn’t right, I soldiered on regardless.

Until one day I read an article about endometriosis. The words hit me like a bolt of lightning and I knew this was what I was suffering from.

In February 2010 there followed a rapid surgical diagnosis that left me totally reeling. The second child that we had hoped for was never going to happen and I was told that I would need a total hysterectomy.

Shocked, I retreated into a period where I wallowed in self-pity.

There was something about being told I needed a hysterectomy that… ”

Buy Embraced by the Divine – The Emerging Woman’s Gateway to Power, Passion and Purpose at http://www.amazon.com/dp/B018FCGJDQ to read the full chapter and all the other inspiring and empowering chapters.


Andrea Beadle (United Kingdom) helps heart-centered entrepreneurs find their purpose and create the business that is the expression of their soul. She believes that your business will only grow as far as you grow as an individual and, using Higher Guidance Coaching, helps you to break through the beliefs that are holding you back so that you can have a healthy life and a healthy business. She is creating the Heart Business Academy for heart-centered entrepreneurs at www.andreabeadle.com

* Catch all the Embraced by the Divine Podcasts on iTunes, such as this one, at
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EBTD 003: Brenda Lainof Interviews Michelle about her Angel Connections

www.eyesoflestage--5Brenda Lainof of Brenda’s Mindful Healing Show interviews Michelle about the intriguing inspiration behind the Embraced by the Divine book. Michelle also talks about the many ways angels are trying to get our attention and some of the best ways to develop a relationship with our angels to be able to use their guidance in all aspects of our life for more ease, Grace and flow.

In her regular radio show at http://www.talkshoe.com/tc/127245 Brenda Lainof interviews and explores options for the audience as to their self-healing. People who are looking for choices and options to compliment their existing healing path.

* Catch all the Embraced by the Divine Podcasts on iTunes, such as this one, at
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EBTD 002: Cracking Open – Michelle Interviews Co-Author Edie Weinstein

Edietree1What do you do when life cracks you open? It could be as a result of illness, injury, death, relationship shifts, financial challenges, job loss. Change is one constant in our lives. We have a choice as to whether we duck and cover, or stand vulnerably naked with our hearts exposed.
  • Moving from challenge to choice
  • Deepening by facing fierce fears
  • Peeling off the layers to reveal the real
  • Beautiful Open Heart Therapy guided meditation process


A Sample Taste of Edie Weinstein’s Chapter, Authenticity – Revealing the Real

“I came to the gathering with an intention to explore a longstanding issue. On December 21, I noted the 15th anniversary of my husband’s death. I honor what Michael and I shared in the 12 years we were together, as we co-published Visions Magazine from 1988–1998, which seed-planted the crop that became my career as a journalist. I acknowledge the joys and sorrows, the pain and pleasure we experienced as perfectly imperfect soul mates who unpacked our baggage with each other, butted heads and blended hearts. Since then, I have had short-term relationships and (mostly) exquisite lovers (with a few “Oops, what the heck was I thinking?” men tossed into the mix), but have not met anyone with whom I could imagine sharing a life. I have been doing a great deal of inner work, figuring out what a healthy relationship could look like, since I have been on my own for so long. I wanted the group’s guidance for sorting through the piles and stacks of stuff that were standing in the way of what I both craved and cowered to anticipate. I have an amazing life, filled with friends who are my treasures, unlimited creative outlets, extraordinary adventures and an attitude of gratitude that fuels it all. And yet, there is wistfulness, asking “What’s wrong with this picture that I haven’t yet found someone with whom I can share the wealth?”

As I began to speak, I noticed that my throat felt like it was closing up and my solar plexus seemed constricted. I asked the group to take a few deep breaths with me and let out a sigh/moan in unison. It was a freeing experience that allowed me to express what was on my mind and in my heart. My friend Janet, who has known me the longest, spoke up and pointed out, ‘I notice you use the word tap-dancing a lot.’ I often describe myself as, ‘Little Shirley Temple, tap-dancing for approval,’ a pattern that developed in childhood. She then asked me to put those words into action by literally tap-dancing while I continued talking about my feelings of being the caregiver in most of my relationships with men. I had a fear that no man was strong enough to support me emotionally. In very short order, I noticed myself getting winded and tired and my friends encouraged me to continue both tapping and speaking. I did that until the tears began to flow. They had asked me what else I wanted, in addition to this relationship. I told them I wanted to …”

Buy Embraced by the Divine – The Emerging Woman’s Gateway to Power, Passion and Purpose at http://www.amazon.com/dp/B018FCGJDQ to read the full chapter and all the other inspiring and empowering chapters.


Edie Weinstein, LSW is a colorfully creative journalist, inspiring transformational speaker, licensed social worker, interfaith minister, radio host, BLISS Coach and the author of The Bliss Mistress Guide To Transforming The Ordinary Into the Extraordinary. She calls herself an Opti-Mystic who sees the world through the eyes of possibility. opti-mystical.com

* Catch all the Embraced by the Divine Podcasts on iTunes, such as this one, at
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EBTD 001: Turning a Cancer Diagnosis into an Empowering Life Change

Michelle Interviews Co-Author Lorraine Cohen

Receiving a cancer diagnosis can be daunting. From 2012 – 2015 Lorraine Cohen was diagnosed with breast cancer four times. Hear how she turned a health challenge into a positive life change with the Divine hand of Grace.

A Sample Taste of Lorraine Cohen’s Raw Chapter, Bungee Jumping into the Abyss

“Surrender doesn’t mean giving up. It means knowing when you have done enough and it’s time to let God and let go” ~ Lorraine Cohen

I had a light-bulb moment. I don’t know how to surrender and turn it over. How can I stand in unshakeable courage, faith and trust that I will be taken care of if I can’t let go?

Time for another prayer asking to be shown how to surrender.

“Lorraine, your mammogram showed a teeny bit of cancer returning.”


So, taking a breath and stepping back into gratitude, I was shown that I was still holding onto guilt and anger towards myself.

I was guided to suspend taking any medical actions or further testing for three months while I focused on my inner healing with all of my gifts and resources.

Standing in faith and trust with a medical diagnosis like cancer and not doing what you are supposed to do was very uncomfortable. I vacillated between peace and trust in what I was doing and feeling irresponsible for my health. The idea of getting cut again was upsetting.

So, I requested a follow-up mammogram to see if anything had changed and I was open to go through with a second surgery if needed.

Guess what happened?

The cancer cells they saw three months earlier were gone. A six-month follow-up was recommended.

Are you still with me dear reader?

We are living in incredible times. Awakening to who you really are is the journey home to reunite with your true self and Divinity.

Health issues, money problems, relationships falling apart, spiritual crises, all provide opportunities to encounter yourself at a deeper level as veils of illusion and pain fall away.

The path to freedom can be one of Grace and ease or one of pain and suffering. How much you surrender and embrace or struggle and fight will determine how easy or hard your journey will be. There were many times when I felt like I was walking through fire to clear and cleanse both myself and the world of pain.

You chose to be part of ushering in a new age and helping to reshape a new world. To do that, you must let go of…

Buy Embraced by the Divine – The Emerging Woman’s Gateway to Power, Passion and Purpose at http://www.amazon.com/dp/B018FCGJDQ to read the full chapter and all the other inspiring and empowering chapters.


Rev. Lorraine Cohen (United States) is internationally recognized for one heart coaching, inner grace healing and higher light channeling. A fierce advocate for her clients’ transformation, she uses her spiritual, intuitive, and healing gifts to support women to dive deeply into self–love, transmute emotional wounds and strengthen their personal connection to God to create a bold, abundant, and meaningful life. She is an international best-selling co-author, Unwavering Strength, Vol. 2 and writes for BellaMia Magazine. www.lorrainecohen.com


* Catch all the Embraced by the Divine Podcasts, such as this one, on iTunes at
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EBTD 009: Embracing Your Personal Power for Empowering Health and Nutrition in Plants and Animals

Linda - newLinda Murray lives in Australia after migrating from NZ. A life spent with animals through farming, working in teaching and training, as well as large construction sites has given her a wide variety of skills and stories. These stories are also part of the technique she uses to teach confidence in recognizing and tapping into messages you receive day to day. These messages can be brought through thoughts, your pets, or events throughout your day. Linda teaches the choice of earth-friendly ways and energies for step-by-step human and soil nutrition for health and vitality. Healthy soil is our legacy, our lifeblood and conduit to health. www.carbiculture.com is her knowledge hub.

Here’s a Sample Taste of Linda Murray’s Touching Chapter, Pee Wee, My Kelpie Mate

“…Hardly had I walked inside than the excited barks of the dogs could be heard once more. “Now what?” Sprinting outside and down to the shed once more, I could see a python outside the shed. “What’s going on here, surely not another one?” Yet no, on closer inspection, Pee Wee had likely perceived the python as a threat to her (grown-up) children and in the way she had always protected them, dragged the danger out and away. So now my python had sustained extra injuries. I was devastated.

Pee Wee was called off and I told her the python was friend, rather than foe. Pee Wee was confused, she had been carrying out her maternal protection instincts.

The dogs came to heel on command, back up to the house we all walked. All the young dogs were tied up, now for Pee Wee. Pee Wee was never tied up these days, unless on the rare occasion she was in some sort of trouble. As I called her onto the veranda to be tied up at her comfort bed at the back door, she communicated confusion at what she had done wrong. Despite reassurance she was not in trouble, she remained unconvinced. She laid down looking very unhappy, her beautiful brown eyes tinged with sadness.

Next step, off I went back down to the shed, brown cardboard box big enough to contain our python, in my arms. Operation python rescue. As gently and carefully as possible, the python was placed inside the box and made comfortable. What a relief to close the lid, a python now totally safe and secure. Now placed in the shade of a magnificent wisteria tree, laden with cascading perfumed lilac flowers, the perfect place for our python friend to be!

The python passed over and I buried him in the garden, to lie at rest between a koala and a goanna.

‘Righto Kelpies, time to run free again.’ As I reached down to unclip Pee Wee, her eyes met mine. I felt her heart connect and the word poison came to me. ‘What does that mean? Maybe she’s saying she thought our python was a snake.’ I telepathically messaged her that she was forgiven, she was following her mothering instinct, I loved her and all was well.

Little did I know…”

Buy Embraced by the Divine – The Emerging Woman’s Gateway to Power, Passion and Purpose at http://www.amazon.com/dp/B018FCGJDQ to read the full chapter and all the other inspiring and empowering chapters.


Michelle Interviews Co-Author Linda Murray on Embracing Your Personal Power for Empowering Health and Nutrition in Plants and Animals

In this fascinating and very different interview Linda talks about how she came to be involved from both a practical as well as a spiritual level with animal and human health through the soil.

Michelle feels Linda is the most knowledgeable person she knows with restoring soil health and has followed her recommendations in improving the soil quality of her own huge garden.

* Catch all the Embraced by the Divine Podcasts on iTunes, such as this one, at
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EBTD 008: Allowing Yourself to Receive Support

Joanne Newell is a compassionate, insightful, practical and fun-loving money-mindset coach for enlightened entrepreneurial women. She’s the founder of Rich Life by Design http://www.richlifebydesign.com/, and she hosts one-on-one VIP days with her clients, to help them heal their money story and create a rich life, by design. Joanne, a former editor of lifestyle books, loves ‘style with substance’ – living a life that’s rich in experiences, beauty and meaning. Her mission is to help other female business owners do exactly the same.

Here’s a Sample Taste of Joanne Newell’s Revealing Chapter, Back to Health

Joanne Newell “I remember thinking at the time: ‘This is ridiculous. I can’t even look after my children properly because of my stupid back. What if they fall over and hurt themselves and I can’t help them?’

It was around this time that I also had to stop driving. My right leg was so weak from nerve damage that there was no way I could safely drive.

I had to humble myself by accepting help from other mothers at my girls’ kindergarten, who would kindly collect the girls after kindergarten sessions and take them to their homes to play with their children. Darren would then collect them after work.

I felt like a ‘bad mother,’ and, after a lifetime of being a ‘can do,’ independent person, it didn’t feel good to have to accept help and to rely on others. I knew, though, as with the trust and health lessons I was learning, this was another lesson that was revealing itself. It really is OK to accept help. You don’t have to be perfect, and you don’t have to ‘do it all.’ ”

Buy Embraced by the Divine – The Emerging Woman’s Gateway to Power, Passion and Purpose at http://www.amazon.com/dp/B018FCGJDQ to read the full chapter and all the other inspiring and empowering chapters.


Michelle Interviews Co-Author Joanne Newell

Discover why it is hard for most women to receive support physically and in other ways.

* Catch all the Embraced by the Divine Podcasts on iTunes, such as this one, at
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EBTD 007: Activating Prosperity – Michelle Interviews Co-Author Helaine Harris

Helaine Harris Michelle Interviews Co-Author Helaine Z. Harris on Activating Prosperity


  • Helaine’s simple 7-Step Prosperity system so you can magnetize money whenever you want to
  • Be a Divine Money Magnet, beautiful guided meditation


Here’s a Sample of Helaine Harris’ Chapter “Survive to Soar – Becoming a Financial Phoenix”

“… I kept having this funny feeling in my body, my stomach was knotted and uncomfortable. I told myself I was being silly. All these people (buying properties) couldn’t be wrong. I got the message in some form that this may not be wise for me, but pushed that inner voice away and bought one property – just swept up in that frenzied energy…

Into the Financial Pit of Hell

Then the real problems with the tenants began. They didn’t take care of the house and I had to pay fines because of them. After a while, they even stopped paying rent. The excuse they gave was about medical issues, but the mortgage still had to be paid. Guess who paid it? They finally skipped town and the damage they did to the house was very costly. Just what I needed, another huge expense!

The real estate market was one of the main reasons the economy tanked. So many people were purchasing investment properties without enough financial backing. Tragically, the housing market collapsed.

In a three or four-month period in 2009, many of my clients or their partners lost their jobs or had to fold their businesses. That really hit me – my income rapidly halved. I thought it would rise again soon, it always had for me in the past. Instead, I watched my bank account rapidly dwindle. I began using my retirement money to live on.

Eventually I lost the Phoenix property. I could no longer handle two mortgages without a tenant paying rent, as well as a 50 percent loss of income. The mortgage company sold my property at a short sale and I hit rock bottom financially. Now my credit rating, which I prided myself on, was destroyed as well.

Abandoned by God

I felt abandoned by God. “Why? I’ve done so much work on me. I’ve changed me in so many ways. I’ve become softer, more loving, and much more compassionate, what else do I need to do? Spirit, so how come you didn’t help me figure things out better?” Clearly, I made some very unwise decisions. Of course, it was because I …”

Buy Embraced by the Divine – The Emerging Woman’s Gateway to Power, Passion and Purpose at http://www.amazon.com/dp/B018FCGJDQ to read the full chapter and all the other inspiring and empowering chapters.


Helaine Z. Harris, LMFT, empowers heart-centered entrepreneurs to transform their life and business so it reflects their authentic self and their values. She focuses on assisting clients to magnetize love, abundance and the right clients or job to them. Helaine is an intuitive business coach, healer, psychotherapist and founder of An Awakening Center. With her 35 years’ experience and mastery of energy, Helaine has helped thousands of clients awaken and manifest their potential while increasing their abundance. Visit Helaine’s website at www.hzharris.com

* Catch all the Embraced by the Divine Podcasts on iTunes, such as this one, at
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EBTD 006: Diving Raw and Deep with Michelle and 5 Co-Authors

Co-Author Lorraine Cohen hosts this juicy, penetrating, insightful call with Michelle Mayur and 4 of the Co-Authors from Embraced by the Divine, namely Jesse Ann Nichols George, Edie Weinstein, Joanne Newell and Deb Scott.

Some of the thought-provoking questions asked of each woman include:

  1. Why did she write her chapter?
  2. What is the key message in her chapter?
  3. How has her life changed since she wrote the chapter?
  4. If she could give any woman a tip or piece of advice going through a dark night of the soul, what would it be?


Rev. Lorraine Cohen (United States) is internationally recognized for one heart coaching, inner grace healing and higher light channeling. A fierce advocate for her clients’ transformation, she uses her spiritual, intuitive, and healing gifts to support women to dive deeply into self–love, transmute emotional wounds and strengthen their personal connection to God to create a bold, abundant, and meaningful life. She is an international best-selling co-author, Unwavering Strength, Vol. 2 and writes for BellaMia Magazine. www.lorrainecohen.com


* Catch all the Embraced by the Divine Podcasts on iTunes, such as this one, at
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EBTD 005: Staying Centered in Times of Change

Michelle Interviews Co-Author Julie Ann

Julie Ann In her Embraced by the Divine chapter, “The Gift of Feeling Intensely,” Julie talks about how she transcended a high anxiety condition … and how she later learned that this ability to feel energy intensely is actually a powerful spiritual gift !

When she wrote the chapter she did not realize how very important the timing of this information would be for so many people. Right now we are all being affected by recent world events. Many people are feeling anxious and fearful, and those who “feel energy” (often unknowingly) may be finding it even more challenging.

But it is possible to come back to center … to be happy and peaceful in spite of the energies surrounding us … and as we each do this we create positive change in not just our own lives, but those of our families, communities and the world.

“Staying Centered in Times of Change” Interview with Julie Ann

Here’s a sample taste of Julie Ann’s Chapter, The Gift of Feeling Intensely:

“…What I didn’t love was the questionnaire the workshop leader had us complete which showed that although my overall stress levels were a little above average I had an anxiety level above that of 99.9 percent of the population. 99.9 percent … Holy moly!

You can, I am sure, see the irony that receiving feedback like this in a stress management class setting is definitely not good for one’s anxiety level!

One of the ways the Divine communicates with us is with gentle nudges like this one, which if unacknowledged get stronger and stronger until we are finally forced to take notice. I know that if I had taken action at that point, and dealt with the anxiety issue with meditation or counseling, I would have saved myself a whole lot of drama. Instead, I brushed off this wake-up call and continued snoozing until finally the alarm bells were so loud they could not be ignored any longer.

The series of dramatic life events came one after the other. My beloved Grandma passed away. I took on an incredibly stressful and highly political consulting contract. We were living with relatives while our home was being renovated. Then the straw(s) that broke the camel’s back … two miscarriages within a few months of each other.

By the time I had the second miscarriage I was so disconnected from myself that I simply left the hospital after my scan and went straight back to the office (to that highly stressful contract I mentioned above).

In the weeks that followed, the anxiety became all-encompassing, to the point where I remember hardly being able to string two words together into a coherent sentence. I walked around with a knot of tension in my stomach at all times. My nervous energy was out of control. I was totally on edge. But I still didn’t realize how far from ok I had become. I was working long hours at a job I hated with no time to think about anything else. Unhappiness and stress can seem so “normal” when you are simply getting through each day, doing what you think you have to, but in fact it’s so very far from what our centered, “normal” state really is.

Finally the time came for me to see my obstetrician for a long-avoided checkup post miscarriage and everything caved in. As I sat in her waiting room, no one was more surprised than me when I …”

Buy Embraced by the Divine – The Emerging Woman’s Gateway to Power, Passion and Purpose at http://www.amazon.com/dp/B018FCGJDQ to read the full chapter and all the other inspiring and empowering chapters.


Julie Ann (Singapore) is an Intuitive Healer, Spiritual Coach, Workshop Facilitator, Creator of the “Seeing 11:11 – A Global Vision” daily intention project, and Author of the forthcoming book, If You Are Looking for a Sign, This Is It! Julie has facilitated workshops in Malaysia, Philippines, China and Australia as well as her home base of Singapore. She has created several online global intention projects and hosted events during various worldwide meditation gatherings. www.julieann.co

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