
 Meet the Collaborators from Embraced by the Divine. Details below the Collage.

Collaborators – Embraced by the Divine Book

Collaborators – Michelle-Mayur-Headshot
Michelle Mayur, Compiling Author and head of the Collaborators

Who Am I to Shine?
Michelle Mayur (Australia), co-creates transformational energetic shifts in women who are ready to make a bigger difference in the world. She assists women to dissolve limiting beliefs and energetic blockages so they can step fully into their Power, Passion and Purpose. She is the founder of the Heal the Healer community, Globally, Michelle specializes in her unique Goddess Isis Healing of Love™ energy healing system, angel-guided spiritual healing, and clinical hypnotherapy



Collaborators – Lorraine Cohen photo
Rev. Lorraine Cohen – unfortunately passed away after a long struggle with breast cancer

Getting Raw – Bungee Jumping into the Abyss
Rev. Lorraine Cohen (United States) is internationally recognized for one heart coaching, inner grace healing and higher light channeling. A fierce advocate for her clients’ transformation, she uses her spiritual, intuitive, and healing gifts to support women to dive deeply into self–love, transmute emotional wounds and strengthen their personal connection to God to create a bold, abundant, and meaningful life. She is an international best-selling co-author, Unwavering Strength, Vol. 2 and writes for BellaMia Magazine. 


Collaborators – Kerri Kannan
Kerri Kannan

The Gift of Adversity
Kerri Kannan (United States) is the author of Uncovering the Divine Within and the Founder of the World Awakened Project. With a focus on expanding consciousness through collaboration, cooperation and connection, the World Awakened Project offers a portal where leading-edge thinkers and leaders in the human potential movement offer guidance and support along your path of self-realization.

Collaborators – Christine Kloser
Christine Kloser

The Best “Worst Time” of My Life   
Christine Kloser (United States) is known as The Transformation Catalyst, is a spiritual guide, award-winning author, and transformational book coach whose spot-on guidance transforms the lives of visionary entrepreneurs and authors around the world. Her coaching and training programs have impacted more than 55,000 authors to help them unleash their authentic voice and share their message on the pages of a book.


Collaborators – Deb Scott Headshot
Deb A. Scott

Grieving the Loss of the Illusion of Myself  
Deb Scott, BA, CPC (United States) is a four-time award-winning author of, The Sky is Green & the Grass is Blue (a Kindle Top 20 Best Seller!), a top-rated best podcaster winner for, The Best People We Know Show, with over 1 million global listeners, and a Top 1% Kred Social Media Influencer. Deb battled dysfunctional relationships, depression, was the sole caregiver to both her parents who fought cancer to their death, and even experienced financial devastation. Deb helps people turn things around in their business and life.

Collaborators – Edie Weinstein
Rev. Edie Weinstein

Authenticity – Revealing the Real   
Rev. Edie Weinstein, MSW, LSW (United States) is a colorfully creative journalist, dynamic transformational speaker, licensed social worker, interfaith minister, radio host, bereavement specialist, addictions counselor, PR Goddess, Cosmic Concierge, BLISS (Brilliant Insightful Loving Safe Service) coach and the author of The Bliss Mistress Guide to Transforming the Ordinary into the Extraordinary. An opti-mystic, she views the world through the eyes of possibility. &  It’s All About Relationships radio show, Thurs. 8 pm EST.


Collaborators – Sage Taylor Kingsley Goddard photo
Rev. Sage Taylor Kingsley-Goddard

In the Hands of Angels
Rev. Sage Taylor Kingsley-Goddard (United States), known as The Prosperous Goddess™, is a 6-figure Intuitive Abundance Acceleration Coach, Archangel Michael channel, shamanic Intuitive Miracle (I AM) healer and Reiki Master and Teacher. Acclaimed author of The Radical Self-Love Guidebook and the creator of “Angelic Abundance Activator,” voted #1 WORLD’S BEST LAW OF ATTRACTION PROGRAM, Sage passionately empowers heart-centered women to manifest more love & abundance!


Collaborators – Brenda Pearce photo
Brenda Pearce

Lovingly Letting You Go
Brenda Pearce (Canada) is a Registered Nurse, author, artist, broadcaster, speaker, teacher, CEO E Factor Live Broadcasting and VP Customer Service at SR Broadcasting. Of all of these things, her greatest accomplishment is being mom to Kevin, James, Allison, and her beautiful angelic son Kenny, her four beautiful children. You can connect with her in many ways: E Factor Radio Network: E Factor Live on Blog Talk Radio


Collaborators – Julie Ann photo
Julie Ann

The Gift of Feeling Intensely
Julie Ann (Singapore) is an Intuitive Healer, Spiritual Coach, Workshop Facilitator, Creator of the “Seeing 11:11 – A Global Vision” daily intention project, and Author of the forthcoming book, If You Are Looking for a Sign, This Is It! Julie has facilitated workshops in Malaysia, Philippines, China and Australia as well as her home base of Singapore. She has created several online global intention projects and hosted events during various worldwide meditation gatherings.


Collaborators – Joanne Newell headshot
Joanne Newell

Back to Health   
Joanne Newell (Australia) knows, to the depths of her soul, that enlightened, spirit-driven entrepreneurial women are here to change the world. They’re here to live a full, rich life, and to help others and the planet. She also knows that money makes it possible for them to do all of this, so she helps women create an empowered money mindset. She reveals how to create a rich life, by design (in co-creation with Spirit). If you’d like to start creating a money mindset that works for you, then Joanne’s here to help.


Collaborators – Linda Murray photo
Linda Murray

Pee Wee, My Kelpie Mate
Linda lives in Australia after migrating from NZ. Whether city or country, nature is large in her life. Linda develops your understanding of nature messages given through weeds, bugs, disease, and animals. Choose earth-friendly ways and energies for step-by-step soil nutrition and health. Healthy soil is our legacy, our lifeblood and conduit to health. is her knowledge hub and has lots of free advice. Linda shares how “dancing with nature” is a balancing act.


Collaborators – Janet Parsons headshot
Janet Parsons

Open Your Mind and Say Ahhhhhhhh – Steps to Capsize a Crisis
Janet Parsons (Australia) is an award-winning writer of stories and songs, with most ideas coming in at 3 a.m. when other people are sleeping soundly. The youngest of 13 children, she believes her imagination was fed by a healthy diet observing the antics of her siblings and being fuelled with great literature in a TV-free home. She lives in magnificent Melbourne, Australia, with her husband and children. Janet is currently working on her third children’s book, a non-fiction novel and the first in a fiction series.  Twitter: @potorooprose, blog:


Collaborators – Andrea Beadle Headshot
Andrea Beadle

Listening to the Voice Within   
Andrea Beadle (United Kingdom) helps heart-centered entrepreneurs find their purpose and create the business that is the expression of their soul. She believes that your business will only grow as far as you grow as an individual and, using Higher Guidance Coaching, helps you to break through the beliefs that are holding you back so that you can have a healthy life and a healthy business. She is creating the Heart Business Academy for heart-centered entrepreneurs at


Collaborators – Jesse An Nichols George headshot
Jesse Ann Nichols George

If Only I Knew Then What I Know Now
Jesse Ann Nichols George (United States), radio show host, is the author of four books founded on the principles of compassion, and how to use it to bring joy to all areas of life, and to open to living your passion and manifesting a life of joy and fulfillment. She created The Genesis Clearing Statement and The Compassion Tour. Jesse is a Code Interpretor with over 33 years of experience working with clients and assisting others with their life processes. She is a 13th generation spiritual healer and Druidic practitioner


Collaborators – Raeline Brady Headshot
Raeline Brady

A Life in Metamorphosis
Dedicated Earth Worker and Gaian Midwife, Raeline Brady (Australia) travels the world lecturing, teaching consciousness tools and facilitating retreat workshops to sacred power sites and with dolphins and whales. She is a vibrational essence developer and writer. Raeline is a Master Teacher of Usui, Tibetan and Karuna Reiki, Seichim / Sekhem and her own healing system, Radiance Force. Receive complimentary light language activations, empowering star elder wisdom and guided visualizations by following the Soul Quintessence Page on Facebook.


Collaborators – Helaine Harris photo
Helaine Z. Harris

Survive to Soar – Becoming a Financial Phoenix
Helaine Z. Harris, LMFT, (United States) empowers heart-centered clients to transform their lives and businesses to reflect their authentic selves, helping people to magnetize love, power, abundance and the right clients. An intuitive business coach, shamanic healer and psychotherapist, she is founder of An Awakening Center With 35 years experience and mastery of energy, she has helped thousands of clients. Author of the award-winning book, Are You in Love with a Vampire? Healing the Relationship Drain Game.


Collaborators – Therese Skelly headshotTherese Skelly

How I Lost My Money and Found My Spirit   
Money mindset mentor and business coach, Therese Skelly (United States) works with heart-centered entrepreneurs who are ready to grow their business in a much easier and more authentic way. Blending her background as a psychotherapist, strategist, and business consultant, she masterfully works both the inner game challenges and the outer game tactics. From newer business owners to already successful entrepreneurs, Therese works with individuals who desire to make a big difference in the world.




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