Preview of Quality Free Gifts
from Michelle, the Co-Authors,
YOURS After You Purchase Embraced by the Divine
*Please note that some of the original gifts from 2015 may no longer be available if the co-author has withdrawn them.
Michelle Mayur
How to Receive Angelic Guidance in Life and Business
2-part audio series
Discover how to create your life with more power, passion and purpose by using angelic guidance.
- Imagine how much easier and more joyous your life could be if you could automatically tap into the love and guidance of your angelic support crew.
- Discover popular everyday ways the angels try to communicate with us.
- Confidently make the right decisions in partnership with the Divine.
- 3 key ways to increase your intuition and tap into higher guidance.
- Imagine knowing with complete certainty that you are fully aligned with your life purpose! The angels can help you…
Jesse Ann Nichols George
What would you like to create in your life?
- Greater Peace
- Greater Fulfillment
- Greater Success
- Stronger Relationships
- A sense of Purpose and Value in the world
- Greater Joy
- Stronger Alignment with the Divine
Joanne Newell
The 3 Foundations of an Empowered Money Mindset – 3-part video series
- Are you a heart-centered, Spirit-led woman who runs her own business?
- Do you have big dreams for your life – including having amazing experiences such as travel, and making huge contributions to the world?
- Are you frustrated that you just aren’t making enough money in your business?
Then it may be that your money mindset is blocking you – holding you back in a big way.
If you’re ready to receive loving but powerful guidance and support in transforming and upleveling your money mindset, then you’ll love “The 3 Foundations of an Empowered Money Mindset” 3-part video series.
It’s been created just for you by money-mindset coach Joanne Newell of Rich Life by Design, so that you can start to create YOUR rich life, by design.
Deb Scott
Mind Vitamin Minutes
With #1 Best-Selling Author and Certified Coach, Deb Scott, BA, CPC offers:
Super powerful and highly targeted cures for:
* Stress
* Worry
* Fear
* Disappointment
* Regret
Get a new way of thinking, being and doing with these effective ideas you can trust to deliver amazing results. Small hinges open big doors!
Rev. Sage Taylor Kingsley-Goddard
Love Yourself Abundant Angelic Gift Set
Discover how to love yourself more deeply, connect more with your angels and enhance your ability to RECEIVE abundant blessings from your YOUniverse!
This beautiful gift set from Sage, The Prosperous Goddess, includes:
- An enlightening and empowering Radical Self-Love Quiz & Affirmations PLUS
- A special channeled message on Self-Love from Archangel Michael!
- The inspirational Love, Spirit & Success ezine and access all year long to special teleclasses with angelic healing, readings & more.
Intuitive Abundance Acceleration Coach Rev. Sage Taylor Kingsley-Goddard,CHT, RM, the creator of the Angelic Abundance Program (Best Law of Attraction Program Worldwide in 2014!), and Archangel Michael Channel invites you to love yourself enough right now to receive this precious gift.
Christine Kloser
Free Audio Training for Budding Authors
If you have a book inside of you and want help getting it out, get started with Christine’s FREE audio training.
Known as The Transformation Catalyst, Christine is a spiritual guide, award-winning author, and transformational book coach whose spot-on guidance transforms the lives of visionary entrepreneurs and authors around the world.
Her coaching and training programs have impacted more than 55,000 authors to help them unleash their authentic voice and share their message on the pages of a book.
Linda Murray
Sally My Teacher eBook
A horse placed the writer on her path. Follow this story of successes and failures to give you a clear path to nutritional health … doing serious stuff while having fun.
Soil health and vitality is key to our planet and human health. Step up and play a part. Balance your life through natural foods grown for health, peace and emotional harmony.
Partner with nature’s intelligence. Easily grow organic foods, rich in vibrant health and nutrition. Create a sustainable lifestyle through growing in pots and gardens
- Is your food truly organic? … A. Grow to know exactly, you are what you eat!
- Lack of knowledge? … A. No worries! Learn what, when, where, how.
- Don’t know where to start? … A. Step by step pictorials to guide you.
Kerri Kannan
5 Keys to Conscious Creation Video Series PLUS Amazing Bonus Content
Learn to become the Conscious Creator of your Life! This gift will show you the steps to Consciously Creating the Life you desire PLUS you will receive a Bonus Attunement that will remove your feelings of separation from the Divine and open you to the Miracles that are waiting to enter your life.
- Access the 5 Keys to Conscious Creation Video Turorial Series and Master the Art of Conscious Creation
- The Bonus Divine Attunement Recording will instantly, effortlessly and permanently remove negative blocks and open your consciousness to be in alignment with your Divine Power and Guidance
Rev. Edie Weinstein
It’s All About Relationships
For daily inspiration for living a happy, healthy and wealthy life, tune in to Edie’s popular radio show, It’s All About Relationships – Thursdays at 8 p.m. EST.
Brenda Pearce
Distance Reiki Healing Meditation Audio
Radio Show Host, Brenda, is gifting you a loving and powerful guided meditation healing using Reiki energy.
Taken from one of her E Factor Blog Talk radio shows.
Helaine Z. Harris
Meet Your Prosperity Guide
Begin the journey for prosperity with Intuitive Business Coach and Shamanic Healer Helaine’s complimentary package on Meet Your Prosperity Guide.
This package includes:
- Meet Your Prosperity Guide Recording
- Accompanying Manual
- Prosperity Breakthrough Session with Helaine
Therese Skelly
Mindset Mastery eBook
- Learn the secrets of growing your business from the inside out
- Discover practical tools to shift to a success mindset
- Manage your thoughts so you can feel more peace and confidence
Julie Ann
Time for You
- Are you ready to feel good again?
- To live the life of your dreams?
- To follow your own heart and to express your true purpose?
In Embraced By The Divine I share the story of my personal journey with anxiety and stress – and how I learned that taking regular time for yourself – “You Time” – is one of the keys to helping you return to center, reconnect with your heart’s guidance and reclaim your happiness.
This ebook, “You Time”, which is my gift to you, outlines a simple, powerful, life-changing process that you can begin today. I’m also giving you a guided meditation recording to help you with your practice.
You don’t have to know any meditation techniques to get started … all it takes is your willingness to take some regular time for You!
Raeline Brady
10% Discounts on Selected Products & Services
Mention “Embraced by the Divine” to Receive a 10% Discount on:
- A personalized Spiritual Voyager Guidance Cards reading
- Customized Soul Quintessence vibrational essence blend OR
- Scheduled retreat workshop
Receive complimentary light language activations, empowering star elder wisdom and guided visualizations by following the Soul Quintessence Page on Facebook.
Janet Parsons
The Five Senses of Love
Award-Winning Writer of both stories and songs, Janet is holding a little competition!
Embraced by The Divine Special Offer – Finish the Following Sentence:
“I now open my mind, heart and body to…”
You will be entered into a draw to win one of 10 signed copies of her award winning children’s picture book, The Five Senses of Love.
Entries close May 31st 2016
Andrea Beadle
Andrea has gifted you the beginning part of her EMERGE program which is designed to help you to connect more fully with who you are.
Step one is to Explore where you are now. Andrea explains and takes you through some exercises designed to help you evaluate your current position and identify what you want your life to look like in the future.
This consists of an mp3 recording and her ebook, Audit your Life.
Kimberly Marooney
Receive Support for Higher Calling mp3
Kimberly asked the angels for a meditation to help her feel supported and was blown away by what they provided. We truly are Completely Supported in every way possible when we open to receive.
Download this mp3 instantly and listen to this 24-minute meditation daily for a week and see what happens! Ask for what you want and need. Then receive it!
Laurie Bain
Spiritual Healing Art and Jewelry
Laurie is our cover artist

After Purchase Be Sure to Claim Your Free Gifts Using the Gift Link in the Actual Book.