By Lorraine Cohen
My parents grew up during the Depression. Neither finished high school because of financial needs. They met in their mid twenties and married soon after. My mother was 34 when I was born which was old for women at that time to bear children. My father worked at many different jobs to support the family and when I was eight, my mother had to go back to work.
My parents worked to provide the best life for me and my sister. I always had a home, food, clothes, family vacations…but through a child’s eyes I saw money was a concern and a worry for my parents. The message I received was life is hard.
Did you grow with these messages?
No pain no gain.
You have to work hard to _______________.
Nothing worthwhile comes easily.
If it looks too good to be true, distrust it.
You have to fight for what /who you want.
You must chase your dreams for them to come true.
Unless you put out huge amounts of effort you will never get the result you want.
Yes, to live a meaningful, abundant life, clarity, focus, passion, commitment to your dreams, consistent action, and courage are important ingredients. You must be engaged in creating the life you wish to manifest.
But if you have been taught to believe that life is meant to be about struggling, fighting, and pushing to MAKE things happen, you will create that kind of life for yourself.
In a recent conversation with a dear friend the topic of money came up. We’ve been committed to our spiritual journey and inner healing for years and money has been a learning edge for us both.
In our society money represents so many things to people including:
I’ve worked on releasing money blocks, embracing my self-worth , increasing self-love, standing in my power, deepening my relationship with the Divine, following my passion and inner guidance; all the things I help clients to achieve.
I’ve had huge success in many areas of my life and I recognized that one place I was playing out the struggle and drama piece was with through money. What I realized in this conversation was that I have developed a tendency to create drama and struggle to block having what I really want; like an addiction!
What a light bulb moment that was! I felt a huge release of energy and a rush of gratitude for the gift of that awareness.
With all of the negative messages we are bombarded with about life being difficult, unsafe, problematic, and tumultuous, is it any wonder so many people feel exhausted, depressed, scared, frustrated and confused?
Is life meant to be about struggling, fighting, and pushing to MAKE things happen?
What if it isn’t?
Guess what? Life is meant to be joyfull, abundant, fun, meaningfull, creative, wondrous, happy, loving…
Life is not meant to be full of pain, struggle, suffering, fearfull, and full of negative drama.
If you grew up in a chaotic environment and yearn to create a life of peace, you may find that when you feel peace, you create problems and drama because that’s your comfort zone to feel safe.
If you grew up where money was limited as I did, you may find that attracting or having lots of money feels uncomfortable and you find ways to get rid of it or block too much money coming into your bank account.
You may find yourself struggling as you are on the verge of a significant shift and breakthrough and the “tiny you” inside is feeling scared and unsafe. Use that awareness to comfort that part of yourself that is also showing you that you are disconnected with the Divine Source within. Once reconnected to that love and peace that is the REAL you, fears diminish.
Whatever messages you grew up become the road map for your life. If struggle is your default pattern, embrace this truth. Once embraced, you can choose to transform the energy so that your life flows with more joy, ease, and Grace.
Struggle is all about FEAR and RESISTANCE.
Struggle and suffering is a choice!
One way to make a shift is by creating what I call Relentless Affirmations, a process I teach in my new Authentic Power and Joy program.
Below is an excerpt from the program materials:
Relentless Affirmation means creating a positive statement based on a truth you have come to recognize and accept in your heart and soul. It becomes powerfull when you embody it as a way of being every day.
The affirmations are not based on something you wish to be true; rather they are founded on an inner knowingness; a trust and peace within even if the statements are not rock solid when you first create them.
Affirmations can be statements of what you want, what you know to be true about yourself, and what you take a stand in/for from power and joy.
Statements that affirm what you are tapping into at a deeper level of truth that you know is true regardless of the physical evidence in the world. Statements become declarations of truth that can evoke gratitude and joy.
Examples: [Read the Full Article at]
Founder of Powerfull Living, Rev. Lorraine Cohen is an internationally recognized life architect, spiritual guide, inspirational speaker, and heart healer. For more than 25 years, Lorraine has assisted thousands of women who value the inner journey, have the courage and passion to go deeper and create massive changes in themselves to reach higher states of consciousness and be of the greatest service to the world; to live a life that is awake and authentic and to create a reality that is conscious, deliberate and meaningful.