If Only I Had Known Then What I Know Now

Jesse Ann Nichols George, Co-Author, talks about her chapter in Embraced by the Divine, “If Only I Had Known Then What I Know Now”



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EBTD 010: Personal Life Codes

Michelle Interviews Co-Author Jesse Ann Nichols George

Jesse-head-shotCome explore with us the fascinating realms of Code Interpretation as Jesse Ann Nichols George shares her work as a Code Interpretor.

Everything and everyone in our life has a vibration that is compatible or not compatible with us; and what is compatible for one person may not be for another. When we understand our codes and code interactions in the world we strengthen our connection with the Divine and step into a flow of blessings. We are given the opportunity to make wiser choices that create a more pleasurable life and can open doors that we would like to explore. Join us as we learn about what can happen as you work with your own personal codes.

Michelle will also be sharing just some of the coding that Jesse has done for her and for the book Embraced by the Divine. It is mind-boggling how much can be coded for to optimize the vibration and favorable flow of energy in both personal and professional life! Michelle credits Jesse’s Code Interpretation work with at least part of the #1 Bestseller Status Embraced by the Divine has already achieved in 4 categories and 3 countries.

Areas Covered:

  1. What is Code Interpretation?
  2. What types of things can be explored with Code Interpretation?
  3. How does working with our codes create a Divine Connection for us?
  4. What happens when someone works actively with their Codes?
  5. What types of results Jesse has noticed through this work?
  6. How long does it take for people to see results from working with their codes?

Jesse Ann Nichols George (United States), radio show host, is the author of four books founded on the principles of compassion, and how to use it to bring joy to all areas of life, and to open to living your passion and manifesting a life of joy and fulfillment. She created The Genesis Clearing Statement and The Compassion Tour. Jesse is a Code Interpretor with over 33 years of experience working with clients and assisting others with their life processes. She is a 13th generation spiritual healer and Druidic practitioner www.jesseannnicholsgeorge1.com

* Catch all the Embraced by the Divine Podcasts on iTunes, such as this one, at
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EBTD 006: Diving Raw and Deep with Michelle and 5 Co-Authors

Co-Author Lorraine Cohen hosts this juicy, penetrating, insightful call with Michelle Mayur and 4 of the Co-Authors from Embraced by the Divine, namely Jesse Ann Nichols George, Edie Weinstein, Joanne Newell and Deb Scott.

Some of the thought-provoking questions asked of each woman include:

  1. Why did she write her chapter?
  2. What is the key message in her chapter?
  3. How has her life changed since she wrote the chapter?
  4. If she could give any woman a tip or piece of advice going through a dark night of the soul, what would it be?


Rev. Lorraine Cohen (United States) is internationally recognized for one heart coaching, inner grace healing and higher light channeling. A fierce advocate for her clients’ transformation, she uses her spiritual, intuitive, and healing gifts to support women to dive deeply into self–love, transmute emotional wounds and strengthen their personal connection to God to create a bold, abundant, and meaningful life. She is an international best-selling co-author, Unwavering Strength, Vol. 2 and writes for BellaMia Magazine. www.lorrainecohen.com


* Catch all the Embraced by the Divine Podcasts on iTunes, such as this one, at
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