A Spiritual Truth About Faith and Peace

By Lorraine Cohen www.lorrainecohen.com

Inner peace doesn’t come from getting what you want. Inner peace comes from remembering who you are at the deepest level… Divine ~ Lorraine Cohen

FaithIf you look at life through black and white eyes you miss all the rainbows in the grey. If you continue to label life experiences as good and bad, right and wrong, you will only be living a slice of life.

If you expect things to go poorly rather than well, you will likely create that. If you focus only on the negative when things don’t go your way, you will sacrifice your inner peace and happiness. If you allow the behavior of others to control your life then you empower others to control your joy. And if you feel ingratitude for what blesses your life every day, what makes you think you will be happier with more?

Your attitude, beliefs, expectations, and perceptions shape your experiences. Your life can change in an instant. You have it within you to transform the landscape of your life by the choices you make with an open mind and heart. Life is meant to be a grand adventure full of mystery, twists and turns, laughter, surprises and opportunities to stretch yourself to new horizons.

Remember energy goes where attention goes. The Universe is watching and listening….You are either living by conscious intention or unconscious default.

You don’t have to have it all figured out to move forward.

No matter what is happening “out there”, peace begins within. Trust that there is a reason and purpose for the experiences you have and the more you embrace them with an open mind and heart to receive the gifts that may not as yet be revealed, the more you will dance with life in Grace.

Stop for a moment, tune into your heart and connect with your soul. Focus on taking several slow deep breaths. Bring each breath up from your belly and fill your lungs to capacity with the energies of Divine Love. As you exhale slowly, send the energies out into the world to anyone and anything that you love.

Consider the special people in your life, Mother Earth, animals, the government, places of suffering … or wherever it is most needed.

As you breathe Divine Love in and out, invite the energies to fill you up completely, immersing yourself in this vibration and rest there a while longer, soaking it in.

Ahhhhhh. Then be open to receive the Love and blessings coming back to you. As we give we automatically receive.

Approach life as a grand adventure with the spirit of a child and the courage of a warrior.

Just take that next step in faith and trust and see what happens…

When you begin to experience doubt and worry, let it be a reminder to increase your faith. Remember that everything happens for a reason. Let go of trying to understand why and rest in the knowing that, in the end, all will be well. Because it will … Really.

Life can be magical if you let it.

You are more loved than you may realize and you never walk alone.

Sending Love and gratitude your way 😀


Rev. Lorraine Cohen (United States) is an internationally recognized life architect, spiritual guide, inspirational speaker, and heart healer. For more than 25 years, Lorraine has assisted thousands of women who value the inner journey, have the courage and passion to go deeper and create massive changes in themselves to reach higher states of consciousness and be of the greatest service to the world; to live a life that is awake and authentic and to create a reality that is conscious, deliberate and meaningful. www.lorrainecohen.com

How To Find the “Blessings” In Every Moment

By Lorraine Cohen www.lorrainecohen.com

blessings-flow-to-you1Gratitude, like faith, is a muscle. The more you use it, the stronger it grows, and the more power you have to use it on your behalf. If you do not practice gratefulness, its benefaction will go unnoticed, and your capacity to draw on its gifts will be diminished. To be grateful is to find blessings in everything, This is the most powerful attitude to adopt, for there are blessings in everything.” ~ Alan Cohen

This morning as I awoke to the rain falling, I thought, “I wonder what blessings will be coming my way today?” I was inspired to begin my day with this curiosity from a conversation I had with a friend last night.

How you start your day sets the tone and the energy that moves through your day. If you begin from a centered space, you can flow with life with more ease and Grace.

I’ve been playing with the intention of seeing the blessings in everything for many years. Sometimes it has been challenging and yet, when I look deeper, I always find several gold nuggets to enrich my life.

One of my greatest teachers is my sweet 15-year old cat Cassie who is dealing with kidney disease. Despite ongoing bouts of diarrhea and some vomiting she continues to be engaged and playful. What she teaches me is to not see her as ill, rather to see her as “being” who she is and loving her “there.” And when the sadness comes, it is a blessing to feel and release the pain of losing her when it is time to let her go.

She continues to bless me in learning patience, trusting my intuition in taking care of her and myself, fully show up and appreciate the special loving moments we share. She is teaching me to surrender and let go and how to stand strong when my heart breaks.

Blessings come in many forms, shapes and sizes.

Recognizing blessings can be tricky because the mind is so quick to label experiences as positive or negative.

It’s easy to feel gratitude when things go the way you like and want. It’s a common response to resist and react negatively when things seem to go awry or present unwanted challenges.

* The people who push you buttons help you learn so much about yourself
* A difficult relationship can help you find your voice, your value, and your power.
* Losing a job may lead you to your life’s passion and purpose.
* A health challenge may help you cultivate self-love and forgiveness.
* A delay in moving forward may be a Divine redirection to something even better.
* Obstacles may help you discover what you really, really, want.

What if you saw every challenge, every perceived problem, every annoyance, every person and situation as an opportunity to heal, grow, and spiritually evolve AND make a difference in the world.

What if EVERYTHING in your life was brilliantly created (by YOU) to help you dissolve barriers, heal inner wounds, replace illusions with deeper truth, and bring you closer to your higher Divine Self?

What if every experience was designed to bring you “home” to Love and peace so that you could also help to heal the world?

How would your world change?

What would you be thinking, feeling, seeing, saying and doing differently?

Asking the right questions can reveal hidden gifts especially when you stop, tune into your heart and body and connect with your inner guidance..

When facing challenges and repetitive themes, awareness brings illumination.

1. What message does the experience bring? What is your spirit trying to tell you?

2. What have you been resisting that you know in your heart is true? A feeling, an action?

3. What story are you standing in? What is your truth/the truth?

4. What are you being called to claim and OWN?

5. What is yours to heal?

Begin each day with a grateful heart. Look for the blessings in your daily life in the shadows and in plain view.

Notice the beauty, the simple pleasures, the things that delight you, the things that stretch you out of your comfort zone to follow your heart, the ways in which you are being called to show up and stand in your power… and be open to see how Divinely supported and loved you really are.

Love and blessings,


Founder of Powerfull Living, Rev. Lorraine Cohen (United States) is an internationally recognized life architect, spiritual guide, inspirational speaker, and heart healer. For more than 25 years, Lorraine has assisted thousands of women who value the inner journey, have the courage and passion to go deeper and create massive changes in themselves to reach higher states of consciousness and be of the greatest service to the world; to live a life that is awake and authentic and to create a reality that is conscious, deliberate and meaningful. www.lorrainecohen.com

Turning a Cancer Diagnosis into an Empowering Life Change

Michelle Interviews Co-Author Lorraine Cohen

Receiving a cancer diagnosis can be daunting. From 2012 – 2015 Lorraine Cohen was diagnosed with breast cancer four times. Hear how she turned a health challenge into a positive life change with the Divine hand of Grace.



Rev. Lorraine Cohen (United States) is internationally recognized for one heart coaching, inner grace healing and higher light channeling. A fierce advocate for her clients’ transformation, she uses her spiritual, intuitive, and healing gifts to support women to dive deeply into self–love, transmute emotional wounds and strengthen their personal connection to God to create a bold, abundant, and meaningful life. She is an international best-selling co-author, Unwavering Strength, Vol. 2 and writes for BellaMia Magazine. www.lorrainecohen.com


You can also listen to the replay at http://iTeleseminar.com/77608785

Are You Willing?

By Lorraine Cohen, www.lorrainecohen.com

soul-adorationAre you willing?

I was asked the question on a coaching call many years ago. I was struggling with stepping up and out in a bigger way.

My fears and “not good enough” messages were swirling in my head. I knew I was sharing my gifts and talents in comfortable ways and the idea of being more visible felt daunting.

We were speaking about my doing interviews, leading online teleseminars and in –person workshops, creating products and programs….yikes.

What did I have to offer that anyone really wanted and would pay for?

And what if I failed?

I came up with excuses and reasons to resist expanding my work into new areas and yet, there was a part of me that felt excited at the opportunities.

So when she asked, “Lorraine, are you willing?” I knew she was also asking if I was open to new possibilities and opportunities to fulfill my deepest desires and dreams. The first step in saying YES to something new is to be willing AND open to experience life in a bigger way.

I explored:

Am I willing to fail?

Am I willing to succeed?

Am I willing to learn something new that might become something fabulous?

Am I willing to be uncomfortable in uncertainty?

Am I willing to let go of the need to know and take a leap of faith?

Am I willing to let my heart and soul guide me for the pure joy of the experience?

Am I willing to let go of what I think I have to do to allow what is ready to unfold?

Am I willing to have fun with creating what I want?

Am I willing to be open to possibilities?

So I said Yes!

I was willing then and still ask myself that question whenever I am stretching out of my comfort zone.

When I began working on surrender I realized that I didn’t know how to really let go without feeling resistance or trying to control, manage, or direct what I was feeling, thinking, and experiencing. I could talk about surrender conceptually but embodying the essence of letting go completely and embracing life in each moment felt elusive.

So, I started with a willingness to learn how and put out my prayer request to be shown how to let go with as much Grace and ease that I would allow. I am still learning how to let God and let go every day!

You don’t have to have everything figured out!

Just start with a willingness!

Is there something you have been struggling with? Perhaps it is something you have been resisting? Perhaps there is something you have been TRYING to change or create without a lot of success? Maybe you have convinced yourself that something you deeply want is out of your reach because you feel inadequate or not enough?

Asking yourself the question, “Am I willing?” is an invitation to freely play and explore the field of possibilities without the burden of shoulds and have tos or feeling pressured to make something happen by your own efforts.

Being willing and open, like you were as a child, invites magic and miracles; to flow with life and see each day as a grand adventure.

Here are five ways to deliberately play in the field of willingness:

1. Experiment. Be curious to play with and take some actions with an idea for the fun of it. Make “what if” a game that allows you stand in wonder and possibility! Meander with a sense of purpose by letting go of the need to see and understand where the path will lead. It begins with just one step that always leads to the next. You can use experiences to find out so much about yourself including what you really, really want.

2. Redirect your energy and imagination. Turn anger, fear, anxiety, and feelings of unworthiness into your passion for what you want to be, have or do. Becoming aware in the midst of an emotional and physical reaction can empower you to embrace the charge and then shift the energy towards what you most want to create. Flip the switch!

3. Question the messages you are telling yourself. You might be using past experiences as an excuse and reason to hold yourself back. What if what you are thinking, believing and telling yourself is a big fat lie? “What happened then is sure to repeat”. Take the gifts and learning from prior experiences to plant seeds for a blessed present and limitless tomorrow. Remember that when you align with the Divine, anything is possible!”

4. Stay consistent with your spiritual and self-care practices. These are critical pieces to staying centered and connected to the wellspring of wisdom within you. Your Higher Nature knows the quickest route to live your greatest life and guide you “home.” Take time to pause, integrate, and rest when you need to just BE!

5. Surround yourself with a strong, healthy, and like-hearted community of support including trusted friends, colleagues, and professionals. We all need help sometimes for accountability, an emotional boost, a kick in the pants, a mirror reflection, and for deeper healing processes we cannot do ourselves without getting in the way!

The next time you find yourself using excuses, struggling, empowering your fears, questioning your brilliance and competence, giving up, feeling frustrated, overwhelmed or stuck… Stop and breathe.

Think and feel into something you really, really want.

Take another breath.

Rest into the body and notice the sensations you are feeling.

Take another breath.

Ask yourself, “Am I willing for this (whatever you want) to manifest in my life?

Breathe deeply and stand in your willingness and openness to be taught, shown and guided to have what you really, really want. Make that verbal declaration to yourself and to the Universe. “Yes, I am willing and open to….” Be specific in what you are inviting into your life as a prayer.

Let go of the need to know how, what, or when your prayer will be answered. What you don’t know how to do, the Divine does and relishes the opportunity to teach you. Trust that you will be shown and intuitively guided through experiences that will serve you in the highest way.

And be open to the magic of possibilities!!



Rev. Lorraine Cohen (United States) is an internationally recognized life architect, spiritual guide, inspirational speaker, and heart healer. For more than 25 years, Lorraine has assisted thousands of women who value the inner journey, have the courage and passion to go deeper and create massive changes in themselves to reach higher states of consciousness and be of the greatest service to the world; to live a life that is awake and authentic and to create a reality that is conscious, deliberate and meaningful. www.lorrainecohen.com

EBTD: 019 Life Code Blueprints

Life Code Blueprints: The KEYS to Opening the Doors to Your Dreams!

Hosted by Lorraine Cohen with guest Jesse An Nichols George

Jesse-head-shotLorraine Cohen new photo

What if you had a guidebook to show you how you function in the world as the powerful Creator you really are?

Jesse talks about how your own personal vibrational codes function and interact with EVERYTHING in the world. Working with your personal life codes places you in greater connection with Spirit and influences your ability to lead a Divinely fulfilling and abundant life.

Would you like to learn how to make wiser decisions, and operate with foresight? Jesse shared how your personal Code Blueprints make that possible.

In this FREE 90 minute teleseminar you will learn:

  • How codes can be utilized in your life.
  • How working with codes dissipates your blocks and challenges and opens you to Divine flow.
  • How they can help you get out of confusion and find greater clarity that leads to living a more compassionate life
  • How working with your codes accelerates your spiritual path.
  • How working with codes allow you to live an authentic life full of joy, abundance, health, and love.

This interview is also available as an Embraced by the Divine iTunes podcast.
* Catch all the Embraced by the Divine Podcasts on iTunes at
We would love you to leave a REVIEW on iTunes too!


Rev. Lorraine Cohen is internationally recognized for one love coaching, inner grace/higher realms healing and channeling. She uses her highly attuned spiritual, intuitive, and healing gifts to support conscious women to dive deeply into self–love to transform past emotional wounds into wisdom, compassion, and power. In her Heart Connections group, Lorraine creates sacred space for lightworkers,healers, new paradigm leaders and empaths to gather in sisterhood to shine brightly and bring more Divine Love into the world. She is an international best-selling co-author for two anthologies, “Unwavering Strength, Vol. 2″ and “Embraced By The Divine: The Emerging Woman’s Gateway to Power, Passion, and Purpose.” http://lorrainecohen.com

Jesse An Nichols George is a Coding Interpreter, Author, and Traveling Presenter. She created the Genesis Statement, True North Tour, and hosts her own international radio show The Code Connection. Her work is founded in living and compassionate life and finding Divine alignment. Jesse blends over 50 different modalities pulled from both Eastern and Western philosophies. You can learn more about her work at www.compassioncodes.com

EBTD 017: Inner Warrior Summit Interview with Co-Author Lorraine Cohen

Inner Warrior Summit with Host Susan Jenkins and Guest Lorraine Cohen


On this 60 minute call you will hear:

  • How we can empower ourselves through the most challenging circumstances to turn them into triumphs
  • How our inner ways of thinking, being and dreaming directly affect personal health and the well-being of the planet
  • Three critical questions to transform unforgiveness towards ourselves into self-love and compassion

 And so much more…..

 Be prepared to feel an energetic shift that will bring you closer to your own Divinity

Rev. Lorraine Cohen is internationally recognized for one love coaching, inner grace/higher realms healing and channeling. She uses her highly attuned spiritual, intuitive, and healing gifts to support conscious women to dive deeply into self–love to transform past emotional wounds into wisdom, compassion, and power. In her Heart Connections group, Lorraine creates sacred space for lightworkers,healers, new paradigm leaders and empaths to gather in sisterhood to shine brightly and bring more Divine Love into the world. She is an international best-selling co-author for two anthologies, “Unwavering Strength, Vol. 2, ‘Embraced By The Divine: The Emerging Woman’s Gateway to Power, Passion, and Purpose, and an internationally published feature writer for BellaMia Magazine. http://lorrainecohen.com

* Catch all the Embraced by the Divine Podcasts on iTunes, such as this one, at
We would love you to leave a REVIEW on iTunes too!

EBTD 016: The Code Connection Divine Alliance

Co-Author Jesse An Nichols George interviews Lorraine Cohen

Jesse-head-shotLorraine Cohen new photoA rich call of wisdom for the spiritual seeker

  • Why we are not broken and why nothing needs to be fixed
  • How we call in our challenges
  • How we can move through the challenges that we have created
  • A look at how attachments are holding us back
  • Facing the truth of ourselves and our lives; and how blaming creates separation eventually leading us to breakdown or breakthrough
  • Why even Lightworkers and Healers need a support system

On Jesse’s international radio show, The Compassion Code, http://www.compassioncodes.com/the-code-connection.html she delves into all the topics you want to know about, wonder about; sharing with you ways to deal with what is happening in the world. While she does not want to focus on the negative heavy energy; she does want to know what it is about so that we can make wiser choices in our lives, and to hold the space of Divine energy instead of turning our power over to a few. Choice is a gift; and it is important that we use it to be our own expression of the Divine essence.

Direct link to the radio show with Lorraine: http://www.blogtalkradio.com/mainstreetuniverse/2016/06/24/the-code-connection–divine-alliance-with-lorraine-cohen


Rev. Lorraine Cohen is internationally recognized for one love coaching, inner grace/higher realms healing and channeling. She uses her highly attuned spiritual, intuitive, and healing gifts to support conscious women to dive deeply into self–love to transform past emotional wounds into wisdom, compassion, and power. In her Heart Connections group, Lorraine creates sacred space for lightworkers,healers, new paradigm leaders and empaths to gather in sisterhood to shine brightly and bring more Divine Love into the world. She is an international best-selling co-author for two anthologies, “Unwavering Strength, Vol. 2, ‘Embraced By The Divine: The Emerging Woman’s Gateway to Power, Passion, and Purpose, and an internationally published feature writer for BellaMia Magazine. http://lorrainecohen.com

Jesse An Nichols George is a Coding Interpreter, Author, and Traveling Presenter. She created the Genesis Statement, True North Tour, and hosts her own international radio show The Code Connection. Her work is founded in living and compassionate life and finding Divine alignment. Jesse blends over 50 different modalities pulled from both Eastern and Western philosophies. You can learn more about her work at www.compassioncodes.com


* Catch all the Embraced by the Divine Podcasts on iTunes, such as this one, at
We would love you to leave a REVIEW on iTunes too!

EBTD 001: Turning a Cancer Diagnosis into an Empowering Life Change

Michelle Interviews Co-Author Lorraine Cohen

Receiving a cancer diagnosis can be daunting. From 2012 – 2015 Lorraine Cohen was diagnosed with breast cancer four times. Hear how she turned a health challenge into a positive life change with the Divine hand of Grace.

A Sample Taste of Lorraine Cohen’s Raw Chapter, Bungee Jumping into the Abyss

“Surrender doesn’t mean giving up. It means knowing when you have done enough and it’s time to let God and let go” ~ Lorraine Cohen

I had a light-bulb moment. I don’t know how to surrender and turn it over. How can I stand in unshakeable courage, faith and trust that I will be taken care of if I can’t let go?

Time for another prayer asking to be shown how to surrender.

“Lorraine, your mammogram showed a teeny bit of cancer returning.”


So, taking a breath and stepping back into gratitude, I was shown that I was still holding onto guilt and anger towards myself.

I was guided to suspend taking any medical actions or further testing for three months while I focused on my inner healing with all of my gifts and resources.

Standing in faith and trust with a medical diagnosis like cancer and not doing what you are supposed to do was very uncomfortable. I vacillated between peace and trust in what I was doing and feeling irresponsible for my health. The idea of getting cut again was upsetting.

So, I requested a follow-up mammogram to see if anything had changed and I was open to go through with a second surgery if needed.

Guess what happened?

The cancer cells they saw three months earlier were gone. A six-month follow-up was recommended.

Are you still with me dear reader?

We are living in incredible times. Awakening to who you really are is the journey home to reunite with your true self and Divinity.

Health issues, money problems, relationships falling apart, spiritual crises, all provide opportunities to encounter yourself at a deeper level as veils of illusion and pain fall away.

The path to freedom can be one of Grace and ease or one of pain and suffering. How much you surrender and embrace or struggle and fight will determine how easy or hard your journey will be. There were many times when I felt like I was walking through fire to clear and cleanse both myself and the world of pain.

You chose to be part of ushering in a new age and helping to reshape a new world. To do that, you must let go of…

Buy Embraced by the Divine – The Emerging Woman’s Gateway to Power, Passion and Purpose at http://www.amazon.com/dp/B018FCGJDQ to read the full chapter and all the other inspiring and empowering chapters.


Rev. Lorraine Cohen (United States) is internationally recognized for one heart coaching, inner grace healing and higher light channeling. A fierce advocate for her clients’ transformation, she uses her spiritual, intuitive, and healing gifts to support women to dive deeply into self–love, transmute emotional wounds and strengthen their personal connection to God to create a bold, abundant, and meaningful life. She is an international best-selling co-author, Unwavering Strength, Vol. 2 and writes for BellaMia Magazine. www.lorrainecohen.com


* Catch all the Embraced by the Divine Podcasts, such as this one, on iTunes at
We would love you to leave a REVIEW on iTunes too!