Joanne Newell is a compassionate, insightful, practical and fun-loving money-mindset coach for enlightened entrepreneurial women. She’s the founder of Rich Life by Design, and she hosts one-on-one VIP days with her clients, to help them heal their money story and create a rich life, by design. Joanne, a former editor of lifestyle books, loves ‘style with substance’ – living a life that’s rich in experiences, beauty and meaning. Her mission is to help other female business owners do exactly the same.
Here’s a Sample Taste of Joanne Newell’s Revealing Chapter, Back to Health
“I remember thinking at the time: ‘This is ridiculous. I can’t even look after my children properly because of my stupid back. What if they fall over and hurt themselves and I can’t help them?’
It was around this time that I also had to stop driving. My right leg was so weak from nerve damage that there was no way I could safely drive.
I had to humble myself by accepting help from other mothers at my girls’ kindergarten, who would kindly collect the girls after kindergarten sessions and take them to their homes to play with their children. Darren would then collect them after work.
I felt like a ‘bad mother,’ and, after a lifetime of being a ‘can do,’ independent person, it didn’t feel good to have to accept help and to rely on others. I knew, though, as with the trust and health lessons I was learning, this was another lesson that was revealing itself. It really is OK to accept help. You don’t have to be perfect, and you don’t have to ‘do it all.’ ”
Buy Embraced by the Divine – The Emerging Woman’s Gateway to Power, Passion and Purpose at to read the full chapter and all the other inspiring and empowering chapters.
Michelle Interviews Co-Author Joanne Newell
Discover why it is hard for most women to receive support physically and in other ways.
Michelle Interviews Co-Author Helaine Z. Harris on Activating Prosperity
Helaine’s simple 7-Step Prosperity system so you can magnetize money whenever you want to
Be a Divine Money Magnet, beautiful guided meditation
Here’s a Sample of Helaine Harris’ Chapter “Survive to Soar – Becoming a Financial Phoenix”
“… I kept having this funny feeling in my body, my stomach was knotted and uncomfortable. I told myself I was being silly. All these people (buying properties) couldn’t be wrong. I got the message in some form that this may not be wise for me, but pushed that inner voice away and bought one property – just swept up in that frenzied energy…
Into the Financial Pit of Hell
Then the real problems with the tenants began. They didn’t take care of the house and I had to pay fines because of them. After a while, they even stopped paying rent. The excuse they gave was about medical issues, but the mortgage still had to be paid. Guess who paid it? They finally skipped town and the damage they did to the house was very costly. Just what I needed, another huge expense!
The real estate market was one of the main reasons the economy tanked. So many people were purchasing investment properties without enough financial backing. Tragically, the housing market collapsed.
In a three or four-month period in 2009, many of my clients or their partners lost their jobs or had to fold their businesses. That really hit me – my income rapidly halved. I thought it would rise again soon, it always had for me in the past. Instead, I watched my bank account rapidly dwindle. I began using my retirement money to live on.
Eventually I lost the Phoenix property. I could no longer handle two mortgages without a tenant paying rent, as well as a 50 percent loss of income. The mortgage company sold my property at a short sale and I hit rock bottom financially. Now my credit rating, which I prided myself on, was destroyed as well.
Abandoned by God
I felt abandoned by God. “Why? I’ve done so much work on me. I’ve changed me in so many ways. I’ve become softer, more loving, and much more compassionate, what else do I need to do? Spirit, so how come you didn’t help me figure things out better?” Clearly, I made some very unwise decisions. Of course, it was because I …”
Buy Embraced by the Divine – The Emerging Woman’s Gateway to Power, Passion and Purpose at to read the full chapter and all the other inspiring and empowering chapters.
Helaine Z. Harris, LMFT, empowers heart-centered entrepreneurs to transform their life and business so it reflects their authentic self and their values. She focuses on assisting clients to magnetize love, abundance and the right clients or job to them. Helaine is an intuitive business coach, healer, psychotherapist and founder of An Awakening Center. With her 35 years’ experience and mastery of energy, Helaine has helped thousands of clients awaken and manifest their potential while increasing their abundance. Visit Helaine’s website
Co-Author Lorraine Cohen hosts this juicy, penetrating, insightful call with Michelle Mayur and 4 of the Co-Authors from Embraced by the Divine, namely Jesse Ann Nichols George, Edie Weinstein, Joanne Newell and Deb Scott.
Some of the thought-provoking questions asked of each woman include:
Why did she write her chapter?
What is the key message in her chapter?
How has her life changed since she wrote the chapter?
If she could give any woman a tip or piece of advice going through a dark night of the soul, what would it be?
Rev. Lorraine Cohen (United States) is internationally recognized for one heart coaching, inner grace healing and higher light channeling. A fierce advocate for her clients’ transformation, she uses her spiritual, intuitive, and healing gifts to support women to dive deeply into self–love, transmute emotional wounds and strengthen their personal connection to God to create a bold, abundant, and meaningful life. She is an international best-selling co-author, Unwavering Strength, Vol. 2 and writes for BellaMia Magazine.
In her Embraced by the Divine chapter, “The Gift of Feeling Intensely,” Julie talks about how she transcended a high anxiety condition … and how she later learned that this ability to feel energy intensely is actually a powerful spiritual gift !
When she wrote the chapter she did not realize how very important the timing of this information would be for so many people. Right now we are all being affected by recent world events. Many people are feeling anxious and fearful, and those who “feel energy” (often unknowingly) may be finding it even more challenging.
But it is possible to come back to center … to be happy and peaceful in spite of the energies surrounding us … and as we each do this we create positive change in not just our own lives, but those of our families, communities and the world.
“Staying Centered in Times of Change” Interview with Julie Ann
Here’s a sample taste of Julie Ann’s Chapter, The Gift of Feeling Intensely:
“…What I didn’t love was the questionnaire the workshop leader had us complete which showed that although my overall stress levels were a little above average I had an anxiety level above that of 99.9 percent of the population. 99.9 percent … Holy moly!
You can, I am sure, see the irony that receiving feedback like this in a stress management class setting is definitely not good for one’s anxiety level!
One of the ways the Divine communicates with us is with gentle nudges like this one, which if unacknowledged get stronger and stronger until we are finally forced to take notice. I know that if I had taken action at that point, and dealt with the anxiety issue with meditation or counseling, I would have saved myself a whole lot of drama. Instead, I brushed off this wake-up call and continued snoozing until finally the alarm bells were so loud they could not be ignored any longer.
The series of dramatic life events came one after the other. My beloved Grandma passed away. I took on an incredibly stressful and highly political consulting contract. We were living with relatives while our home was being renovated. Then the straw(s) that broke the camel’s back … two miscarriages within a few months of each other.
By the time I had the second miscarriage I was so disconnected from myself that I simply left the hospital after my scan and went straight back to the office (to that highly stressful contract I mentioned above).
In the weeks that followed, the anxiety became all-encompassing, to the point where I remember hardly being able to string two words together into a coherent sentence. I walked around with a knot of tension in my stomach at all times. My nervous energy was out of control. I was totally on edge. But I still didn’t realize how far from ok I had become. I was working long hours at a job I hated with no time to think about anything else. Unhappiness and stress can seem so “normal” when you are simply getting through each day, doing what you think you have to, but in fact it’s so very far from what our centered, “normal” state really is.
Finally the time came for me to see my obstetrician for a long-avoided checkup post miscarriage and everything caved in. As I sat in her waiting room, no one was more surprised than me when I …”
Buy Embraced by the Divine – The Emerging Woman’s Gateway to Power, Passion and Purpose at to read the full chapter and all the other inspiring and empowering chapters.
Julie Ann (Singapore) is an Intuitive Healer, Spiritual Coach, Workshop Facilitator, Creator of the “Seeing 11:11 – A Global Vision” daily intention project, and Author of the forthcoming book, If You Are Looking for a Sign, This Is It! Julie has facilitated workshops in Malaysia, Philippines, China and Australia as well as her home base of Singapore. She has created several online global intention projects and hosted events during various worldwide meditation