How to Say Yes When Everything in You is Screaming NO

by Therese Skelly

Just know this…

Everything in you is WIRED to seek safety and minimize risks.

There’s that crazy reptile part of your brain that is forever assessing how you can be harmed, what to do to avoid that, and ways to stay ahead of any potential threats.

But then there’s the heart, or soul, or Guidance in you that is following a different plan.

THAT part is often asking you to go where there’s no clear path. Or to follow the desire that seems fricking CRAZY on paper.

voices-businessIt’s the part that is tuned in to your Highest Good and doesn’t give a flip about security or retirement or paid vacation time. Nah. Its purpose is to keep you in Alignment with a capital A. It wants for you to be fully expressed, and doing what you are here for. But listening to that at times is terrifying because so many people around you are stuck in their own reptile/fear brains and will be the Dream Stealers if you give them the power.

So let me be that other voice.

You know the one.

The voice that helps you find your yes and helps you know your truth, and move more into that direction.

(A bit of back-story here)

It was 2006. I had been a Life Coach/psychotherapist and was pretty content with that. But then I saw the newsletter ad that said: BUSINESS COACHES WANTED. Something about that ad both scared the crap out of me, and compelled me. Today I know that the ‘energy’ of it pulled me in but I wasn’t conscious enough back in those days to understand that.

It scared me because the voice in my head told me to apply. Logically, that was insane! My undergrad was in criminal justice (yup, I worked in a prison) and my master’s degree was in Counseling. I served drug addicts, fighting couples, etc., and also worked in a psychiatric hospital for a time. So there was nothing about my experience that should have lead me to ever, ever consider the world of business.

Heck… I had only ever been to one networking event and decided I hated it because I was “too shy.” (Laugh if you know me at all!) I’d never read a biz book, had no idea how to grow business, and felt like a complete and total fraud just thinking that I could ever support someone in this way.

But the ad pulled me. Instead of listening to my monkey mind which was going nuts telling me what a CRAZY idea it was, I listened to the little yes that was asking me to apply.

Fast forward – I got the job and that one decision changed the whole trajectory of my life. As a result of that one seemingly impossible/crazy choice, I have been able to help thousands of people, become the mentor and leader that I desire to be, made tons more money, and have shown my boys what a strong woman looks like. NONE of that would have been possible from the place I was standing at the time.

So let me give you some tips on how you can be more okay with saying yes when your brain is screaming a big fat no!

1.   Notice the energy. This can be subtle, or it can be like a two-by-four over the head. Does something pop off the page? Is there a sensation or delight in your gut? Does the choice or idea seem light? Or heavy? I use the wisdom of the body. Bypass your brain and let your heart of gut decide. Too often we rely on our mind, which will always go to the history of past failure, and projected fear. It doesn’t always get to decide, so tune in to your body and see what’s there. In many ways we have to retrain ourselves from how we have made decision in the past. (I’m not saying to use logic or vet your decisions. But I’m saying let it START at the point of energy, then you can apply left brain thinking later.)

2.    Notice the objections. What does the fear say? In my case, the nagging sense that I’d trash my revenue because I was gone on 5 trips wasn’t really true. Or if $ dipped a bit, I had to keep reassuring it (me) that I could always make more. Once you hear the fear and apply the “is it true” question to it, it often gets smaller. Or another one to ask is, “Can I live with this if it happens?” Could I have lived with less $? Yeah. Very often if we determine that the seemingly ‘bad’ thing that is being presented is something we could deal with, our bodies settle down and the anxiety subsides.

3.    Notice the possibilities. This is a fun one. If you do say yes… what’s possible? Let yourself dream. There’s something that is calling for expansion in you. Now what often happens is that we bump into the “But I don’t know how, so I can’t get started” conversation that our ego runs on us to keep us safe, small and stuck. You don’t have to know the how. You just have to feel what would be possible and let that grow in you a bit. Practice more dreaming. See if you can be more in tune with your desire.

4.    Notice the first point of decision. Again, you don’t have to have the whole bloody plan! Often times just deciding to decide or deciding to be open to more clarity is enough. In my book, decision = creation. What’s one little piece you could decide to say yes to?

5.    Notice the magic and synchronicity. Try this on for size… “The Universe is Conspiring to Support You.” Not just wanting to or hoping to but CONSPIRING to! That’s juicy!!!! And as such, you need to be seeing all the evidence and seeds of support. Our brains are wired to block out new things to keep us being in resonance with our set points. That means that if you have a belief that it’s really hard to make money and everyone has to struggle, then something coming easy to you would not be trusted. Heck, your brain (because of the Reticular Activating System) may not even let you SEE the new opportunity. This makes it doubly important that you start planting the things you want to see more of as cues all around you.

As an example, my income goal is $25k a month. That’s a big stretch, but for me to start wrapping my mind around the INEVITABILTY of this I have put up little post-it notes all over my office that say $25k on them. Seeing them daily is actually reprogramming my subconscious so I’m more able to receive that amount later on. But there’s one more thing that you really, really need.

6.    Notice your champions. This is huge. Who are the people in your life who are calling you higher? Who is there for you when you ring them up and tell them that this crazy idea keeps coming and coming and coming up? This is often the case that we can’t do this up-leveling on our own. I’d bet that you’ll most often fall back into the old patterns of the mind that shows you the limits, etc. I know that’s been the case for me. So the trick here is having someone HOLD THE SPACE for your greatness. Someone who will loving remind you that you are capable of so much more, and keep you in alignment with your desires. These are the people you want to find more of because this is how you eventually get to be really okay saying those big, scary Yesses that will guide you!


Money mindset mentor and business coach, Therese Skelly works with heart-centered entrepreneurs who are ready to grow their business in a much easier and more authentic way. Blending her background as a psychotherapist, strategist, and business consultant, she masterfully works both the inner game challenges and the outer game tactics. From newer business owners to already successful entrepreneurs, Therese works with individuals who desire to make a big difference in the world.